Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Gottfried on American Jewry

Gottfried, a Jew, on how Jews influenced American politics over time. I agree with most of his analysis. I would mention, though, that Kevin MacDonald remains useful for his presentation of many facts generally evaded due to their unfavorable meaning for the Jews. MacDonald's analysis is hit and miss, as Gottfried implies.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Quartered Safe in Their Delusions

Now, whether this Leftist posturing is a net benefit or not may be debated. After all, wheresoever they set foot, they come bearing a stifling burden of ideological commitments, predetermined dogmas, bold lies. Perhaps this field is best left to the amateurs and the military schools.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Multi-Cult, Traitors, Islamization, LKY, Mind Control--The Anti-News

Murray seems to be stepping it down these days, Putnam remains, however absurdly, true red:

Freeman Dyson, decorated physicist, properly thrashed by Greg Cochran, less decorated physicist:
Great quote apropos such traitors: "In many cases, people seem to have done this for the sheer joy of licking Satan’s arse, not for the money."

The Muslim population doubled in the UK over 10 years--they're now almost 10% of the under 25 population:
From a comment by Kgaard:
This is exactly the sort of anti-life mentality that Nietzsche correctly identified as being integral to Christianity. If you won’t make Aristotelian judgments about what is good and what is bad in THIS world and then fight for them, you end up a pathetic pawn of events — always fighting your own DESIRE to judge (which is innate) but never actually doing so out of guilt. You become resentful of those who are willing to judge and fight for what they determine to be correct and true.
This is the PC COEXIST mindset in a nutshell.

Inadequately eulogized by the MSM:
Something less hagiographic from an East Asia expert:
Singapore does have 2 large problems:
1. It's never been self-sufficient in defense, though it could be. It has a population equal to Israel's Jewish population and a GDP higher than Israel's.
2. It's an unbelievable population sink (birth rate of .8 children per woman)--meaning it's not a sustainable example for the rest of the world.

A stroll through one of the most influential political works of the twentieth century (and the more eloquent of the 2 early works on propaganda's place in the modern state--the other being Walter Lippman's 1922 book "Public Opinion"):
Of course, rule by propaganda is merely the latest mutation of the Iron Law of Oligarchy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Better Weird
Some several to please:

"It's a simple solution to an incredibly complex problem," he said, shaking formulae from his umbrella.

Reality is only beautiful because you have the window seat. Your other self narrowly observes the world beyond from the aisle of your spine.

Element #29.5: Treblium (Tr) Once used to make swords, this metal is now used in brass instruments. It mourns its past, enriching the music.

Your landlord also installs water, air, and earth extinguishers, "just in case."

Schrödinger, Escher, and Heinlein walk into a bar. The bartender both is and isn't all three watching themselves become both of his parents.

Your new altar keeps pestering you to download premium gods.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Christians, Muslims, Tribalism

How the Church engineered paganism out of Western Europeans and Christianity into them:

The rather impressive theological reasoning behind de-tribing the peoples:

Inbreeding in Christian countries vs. Muslim countries today (I commented on this one belatedly):

It seems that the Arabs have infected most of the Muslim world with their form of tribalism, since Arabs always have had comparatively high status among Muslims and often were emulated. Consequent upon this, tribally organized societies have difficulty forming nation-states. Their peoples' loyalties are elsewise engaged: by strong family, clan, and tribal identities. Islam, being a warlike religion, does little in practice to counter this tendency and unite its adherents, except when opportunity arises for jihad against infidels. Such fine social subdivisions also diminish potential for commercial development: the wealthiest Islamic country lacking major oil resources is probably Turkey or Malaysia. Both have Mexican levels of per capita GDP, and only attain that height due to multiple special advantages. The Turks are at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, are NATO members, have some of the lowest inbreeding rates of Muslim nations, were unusually secular in their governance for 80 years, haven't fought a significant war is almost 100 years, and, until recently, were making aggressive efforts to gain admittance to the EU. The Malaysians have a large non-Muslim Chinese minority (20+%) who develop and sustain its commerce, enough oil/natural gas production to supply itself and do some exporting, a geographic position in a peaceful and rapidly growing part of the world, and a tradition of moderate Islamic beliefs.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mental Decline
It's a pretty good article, for NRO. This was a good bit:

"our current government-dominated model of education has been a catastrophe for African-American students. They are not the only social catastrophe for African Americans, and the effects of those catastrophes are difficult to disaggregate. But the data are reasonably clear."

Claiming that "government-dominated education" is in itself especially harmful is difficult to support. Union-dominated government schools in a nation whose intellectual life is overrun with cultural Marxists would be a more accurate diagnosis of our particular problem. The Bismarckian system he mentions was highly effective at turning out great scientists and engineers--they were the best in the world until WWI bankrupted the system. It is, in my opinion, mainly a question of the intellectual culture that pervades a society and the standards it presupposes on the one hand--and, on the other, the genetic quality of the human beings who move through the educational system. The article properly emphasizes the destructiveness of the Left on the first issue--but, political correctness forbids mention of the second, which is a worsening problem due to our dysgenic immigration policies. Whether public or private schools are preferred is symptomatic of the intellectual culture. By the way, when American students are disaggregated by race, they outperform in virtually every instance their co-racials in their home countries (ie, American Japanese outperform Japanese, American Mexicans outperform Mexicans, etc).

Friday, February 27, 2015

Holes in The Narrative
I wrote about these crimes a few years ago. Note the difference in sentences between those who went to trial and those who pled guilty. Note how brief are the sentences of the pleaders. Note that the "juveniles" were sentenced only to parole. This is the response of the legal system to the repeated gang rape of an 11 year old Mexican girl by over twenty black males--a pack of sub-humans who also threatened the girl's safety if she told anyone about the rapes. Each of these creatures ought to be put down like dangerous dogs, to include the juveniles. The resolution of this story received virtually no national news space in the major media outlets. Lies of omission remain the strongest strategy of the Cathedral.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Insights into the Abrahamic Faiths

Reformation of Islam is impossible. Jihad is the meaning of Islam. Sacrifice is requisite to all the Abrahamic faiths. For Muslims the form of the sacrifice is jihad. The Muslim sacrifices himself and thereby proves his faith. For Christians and Jews, the sacrifice is vicarious--it is ritualized, as in the Eucharist. But, Allah will not accept merely symbolic sacrifice. He requires the blood of the believer. All this is made quite clear in the Koran. The manifold encroachments of modernity incite the faithful of the Ummah to enact the Koranic command: jihad. This will continue until the Muslim world "burns to the socket."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cyclical Still?

"I have said that Asia and the ancient world had an air of being too old to die. Christendom has had the very opposite fate. Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a god who knew the way out of the grave. But the first extraordinary fact which marks this history is this: that Europe has been turned upside down over and over again; and that at the end of each of these revolutions the same religion has again been found on top. The Faith is always converting the age, not as an old religion but as a new religion. "
- G.K Chesterton (The Five Deaths of the Faith)

There is much truth to this, but one new factor now is the presence of an opposed faith in the European heartland. Also, it's possible that the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution represent something new under the sun, which might constitute an endpoint.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The French and Their Guests

The American conservatives are delighted with the French Prime Minister's recent "defiant" and "forceful" speech on defending French Jews and defeating anti-Semitism. But, what's wonderful or forceful about this evasive address? He's using the term "anti-Semitism" as a euphemism for "Muslim." Euphemizing the problem is the opposite of being forceful. This is more politically correct garbage from another garbage dealer, one who refuses to recognize the threats posted by both Muslims and Jews. His claim that without the Jews there is no France is absurd--France built itself into the most powerful and culturally accomplished nation in the world during its Jewless era. England followed an identical course. For realists, the question is whether the talents the Jews afford their hosts compensates for the socio-political debasement they inflict. In Israel, this dilemma magically resolves itself. (Could it be the Tribe instinctively undermines the Other, but not itself?)

On the Nature of G

From Jensen's The G Factor:

The g factor, which is needed theoretically to account for the positive correlations between all tests, is necessarily unitary only within the domain of factor analysis. But the brain mechanisms or processes responsible for the fact that individual differences in a variety of abilities are positively correlated, giving rise to g, need not be unitary. … Some modules may be reflected in the primary factors; but there are other modules that do not show up as factors, such as the ability to acquire language, quick recognition memory for human faces, and three-dimensional space perception, because individual differences among normal persons are too slight for these virtually universal abilities to emerge as factors, or sources of variance. This makes them no less real or important. Modules are distinct, innate brain structures that have developed in the course of human evolution. They are especially characterized by the various ways that information or knowledge is represented by the neural activity of the brain. The main modules thus are linguistic (verbal/auditory/lexical/semantic), visuospatial, object recognition, numerical-mathematical, musical, and kinesthetic. …

In contrast, there are persons whose tested general level of ability is within the normal range, yet who, because of a localized brain lesion, show a severe deficiency in some particular ability, such as face recognition, receptive or expressive language dysfunctions (aphasia), or inability to form long-term memories of events. Again, modularity is evidenced by the fact that these functional deficiencies are quite isolated from the person’s total repertoire of abilities. Even in persons with a normally intact brain, a module’s efficiency can be narrowly enhanced through extensive experience and practice in the particular domain served by the module.

But at some level of analysis of the processes correlated with g it will certainly be found that more than a single process is responsible for g, whether these processes are at the level of the processes measured by elementary cognitive tasks, or at the level of neurophysiological processes, or even at the molecular level of neural activity. If successful performance on every complex mental test involves, let us say, two distinct, uncorrelated processes, A and B (which are distinguishable and measurable at some less complex level than that of the said tests) in addition to any other processes that are specific to each test or common only to certain groups of tests, then in a factor analysis all tests containing A and B will be loaded on a general factor. At this level of analysis, this general factor will forever appear unitary, although it is actually the result of two separate processes, A and B. … However, the fact that g has all the characteristics of a polygenic trait (with a substantial component of nongenetic variance) and is correlated with a number of complexly determined aspects of brain anatomy and physiology, as indicated in Chapter 6, makes it highly probable that g, though unitary at a psychometric level of analysis, is not unitary at a biological level.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Making Movies is Easy

Preston Sturges wrote up a list in 1941:

Rules for Box Office Appeal

1 A pretty girl is better than an ugly one.
2 A leg is better than an arm
3 A bedroom is better than a living room
4 An arrival is better than a departure.
5 A birth is better than a death.
6 A chase is better than a chat.
7 A dog is better than a landscape.
8 A kitten is better than a dog.
9 A baby is better than a kitten.
10 A kiss is better than a baby.
11 A pratfall is better than anything.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The Pakistanis are like an invasive plant species from the great wide world, transplanted now to a little greenhouse environment in which natural defenses are deliberately suppressed by the rulers: the invader naturally overruns and destroys all the natives in its new territory.

Rotherham has about 250,000 people. The minimum estimates of number abused mean that at least 10% of all the young native English Rotherham girls over the last twenty years have been abused by these Paki gangs. And to this day nothing has been done to prevent future predation: no enhanced protections are in place, and no accountability has been imposed upon the abusers or the neglectful government officials/police. Only Rotherham has been investigated at all competently: the Pakis pursue this modus operandi throughout England, meaning the overall scope of abuse is probably at least an order of magnitude greater than here reported. There are only 10,000 Pakis in Rotherham, but 1.3 million in England (130 times as many).

Europe cannot have its cake and eat it: it cannot sustain its current civilizational path and host tens of millions of uncivilized people. It has now three options: it may expel the barbarians, it may revert to a different, more severe form of civilization, or it may succumb to the barbarians and submit to the Ummah.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

War and Energy

Putin and the EU: Two half-crippled, hyper-bureaucratized empires at it again, the corrupt and backward vs the stagnant and surrender-prone:

A look at oil price and oil investment trends:
Extrapolating low-medium oil prices ($50-$80/bbl) for 10-15 years seems reasonable to me: see Spandrell in the comments. The main novel risk of a price rise comes from the possibility that the shale investments may not continue producing for very long compared to the conventional investments in the past.

This should mean significantly cheaper, more versatile car batteries within 5-10 years:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Shedding Another Idealism

"I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one's opponents with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us." - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Open Treason

It's one thing to question the conduct of operations in Afghanistan; it's quite another to desert a combat unit, then beg for rescue. Bergdahl is a traitor. And this was clear before he was rescued. But, then, it was also clear that Obama was a traitor before we voted him into office. DOD allows itself to be humiliated by the Leftists once again. It has suffered ideological capture at the highest level.

It is interesting, as a matter of PR strategy, that they have not wished to push this incident in our faces. The media ignores it--and we know they do not ignore issues just because they are on the wrong side. They were on the wrong side in Ferguson, yet they continue to push it. But, they submerge the Bergdahl story--maybe because they cannot think of a spin that even the typical Leftist would consider sane.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Beware the website, it's a bit unstable and slow, but Spengler's worth reading. He's a former Reagan official, author, music critic, I-Banker, and Jewish "religious nationalist" supporter of Israel.

Of course, all of western Europe face much the same problem as France. But, the integration experiment looks ever more dubious even to conventional conservatives. To those of us who understand something of human biological diversity (HBD), it never even rose to the level of dubiety: it was a bad game at inception. Algerians, Moroccans, Somalis--and all the rest--are fundamentally discordant with Europeans at the biological substrate. Their intelligence levels and their personalities are quite different--and for purposes of what we recognize as productive civilization--markedly inferior. The Islamic factor is the enzyme catalyzing disaster out of this contrast of substrates. The conventionalists, Left and Right, only see this enzyme, Islam, and wonder how it could turn so vicious. They imagine themselves, in a fit of empathy, as converts to Islam, and perceive only the most reasonable aspects of the religion and culture. But, they are not North Africans nor Arabs nor Blacks. The enzyme reacts differently upon their substrate, not positively to be sure (or we might see rather more converts in the intellectual classes), but not disastrously either. Their attempt at empathy fails because they refuse The Knowledge of evolved differences between human groups. They lose themselves in evasive mazes of circular rhetoric and pathological social status competitions with their nihilist peers.

For a bit more of an HBD focus, this young Irish American woman writes well and extensively about the variety of human types:

Saturday, January 17, 2015


I was curious about the history of color cinema.

Brief Summary:

They started with hand coloring of negatives in the 1900-1915 period, then gradually moved to the two color (red and green) process, which was naturalistic, but lacking the third color that would give a full color range.
Some 2 color movies:
The Black Pirate 1926:
Vikings 1928:
Something strange from a 1930 color movie:

In 1932 Disney made the first full-range 3 color film, a cartoon:
Since Disney bought exclusive rights to full color for 3 years, the first live action color film was delayed until 1935, Becky Sharp: This was an expensive filming system and required very bright (and hot) sets.

The development of both the 2 and 3 color systems was led by Technicolor, founded in 1914. The Depression delayed color development by several years, since the film industry was less flush and more risk averse. The last American Technicolor film was The Godfather II, 1974. China operated its own Technicolor film production until the 1990s. They were the last. Many people, including me, think Technicolor had a unique look, a special level of saturation, not achieved with other technologies. It was obsoleted mainly because it took too long to produce film reels for thousands of theaters. 

The Curse of Islam

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

Sir Winston Churchill, The River War

A British politician was arrested about a year ago for reading precisely this prophetic and diagnostic passage in the public square. He was charged with incitement of racial/religious hatred. Islam does indeed disintegrate civilizations when it overtakes them. It knows only how to spend cultural capital, not how to perpetuate it--certainly a creative culture is inconceivable within the Koranic interpretation of life. The celebrants of "Islamic Golden Ages" fail to apprehend the causes of such periods: they only occur when Muslims vanquish superior civilizations and ride their cultural momentum for a few generations, until virtually the entire population converts to Islam and their vitality is sapped. This is the main reason Europe is more endangered than America. The conversionary, goal-oriented weight of Muslim numbers poses a much more precipitous threat than America's Mestizos do--since, like the blacks, they lack the capacity for group autonomy and predictably suffer themselves to become mere puppets of the Left.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Epigrams and Aphorisms from the Right

I must, alas, confess that I failed to note the various authors of these strikes (many were Twitter posts)--but I will publish them anyway:

The more one learns about Charlie Hebdo, the more you realize it's a vile magazine totally supportive of a non-white future for France.

Muslim immigration into non-Muslim nations: the worst idea of the 20th century, after communism.

It isn't whether the French will have the freedom to practice satire. It's whether France has the right to stay French.

When zoo animals get loose and harm people, the question should be to find out WHO opened the cage not to get mad at animals...

So much for the magically transformative power of geography. Two of the three Muslim killers in Paris were born in France.

"There are good Muslims." Yeah, great. Now guess what happens when the bad Muslims win battles? The good Muslims fall the fuck in line.

Lie of the Day: "They aren't Muslims, they're terrorists." You may not believe in tribalism, but tribalism believes in you.

Allow me to encapsulate the mentality of white decadents right now: "There are still plots of non-vibrant land I can retreat to!"

Charlie Hebdo won't wake up the white man. Only the white masses stringing up the white elite will wake up the white man.

I'm coming to think that white European civilization (and outposts) can't survive without a return to a vigorous religious belief.

I think it was a smart attack from the jihadist perspective. Sure, people will pound their chests and declare I AM THIS SHITTY FRENCH MAGAZINE, but back in reality the point has been made. Because it is an attack on the media. It exposes the weakness and insecurity of Western elites. I'm sure there will be a crackdown of some kind, some cells will be rolled up, security will be tightened in some respects. But the impression has been made. Your freedom is meaningless against someone who hates you totally. And now you are surrounded by them.
So for now there will be a crackdown, solidarity, speeches. This will last maybe two months. Then, gradually, a growing concern about those who are always going around upsetting these volatile people. Now these can be talked to, cajoled, threatened. Unlike the men with AK-47s. The recent EU Joint Statement enacts exactly this response: restrict citizens' speech, spy on citizens, disarm citizens, propagandize citizens--and, of course, continue current immigration policies. Overall, it looks like a big, big win for the Islamists.  

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Dream of Unity

This summary of the interrelations of the trichotomy closes in on outright idealism. It would, though, be very wise for each side to refrain from conducting wanton assaults on the others. The Cathedral forms a far more suitable target. I wrote about this before in the Anatomy of Reaction.

Jews Subvert the World

The Jews are unique: the smartest ethnic group in the world, the oldest, the most cohesive--and today the most powerful tribe in the world.

They are the last people to be trusted by any outsider. The principles upon which Israel is governed are eminently defensible, including the discrimination against immigrants based on racial and religious characteristics. However, the Jews in America (it may be doubted whether the phrase "American Jews" is ever apt)--are virtually unanimous in demanding that America refrain from enforcing these same principles that Israel and any other sensible nation enforces. The Jews in America are obviously a fifth column--obvious if one has access to the facts of the situation. But, since they have tremendous influence over the media and education, and their universally enforced speech codes service their convenience, very few know the facts and everything is spun in their favor. Their own holy books demonstrate perpetual war against the rest of the world for 3,000 years. They are a tribe; their religion simply reinforces tribal identity. They have no friends and they know it. They perceive only two categories outside the tribe: enemies or useful idiots at their disposal.

The ancient world knew their nature, before their nature was obscured by the distortions of Christianity (that ingenious Jewish invention): they are the people born for slavery, as Tacitus said. And slaves, being powerless, do not dislike or despise their enemies, they hate and resent and envy: they have no emotional distance, but succumb to these gnawing emotions and brood upon them. This was a major element in the formation of Jewish character: hundreds of years of suffering, slavery, and brooding upon revenge. The vicious character thus evolved led to their diaspora experiences: sooner or later they make themselves so unpleasant to the host nation that they are forcibly evicted or slaughtered. There is no exception to this rule. Dozens of very different nations have expelled them for much the same set of reasons. Perhaps, though, America is someway unique and never will expel them.

America was founded by the Puritans, a cult that pointedly sought to be more Jewish than the Jews, a cult that slowly evolved into Transcendentalists, then Abolitionists, then Progressives, then Socialist Progressives, then Cultural Marxists--each iteration of idealism more insane than its predecessor and the last, the Cultural Marxists, a finale that merges the last-gasp, doom-eager insanity of WASP culture with the shrewd and sharkish, reflexively overreaching, ever-insecure and ever-aggressive culture of the diaspora Jews. So, while we have on the one hand in Israel an ethno-religious capitalistic state with a reasonably healthy culture (meaning a culture that plans to survive, that sees a future for itself)--on the other hand we have the Western nations who are, with Jewish money and propaganda urging them on, destroying their ethnic foundations, surrendering their religions, suffocating their economies. Hypocrite is not a sufficient term for this contrast: I prefer predator. Those who, in the past, called them parasites had a point, but they underestimated the slave-bred malice and the brain-bred power they wield. America, then, has the same sorts of reasons that the expelling nations have always had; but America, when the Jews arrived en masse, had a severely compromised immune system, soft from a century of geopolitical safety and from incubating the idealistic madnesses to which such a strange safety had led. Instead of expelling the intruder, America, the power of the world, transported a still more virulent, but closely related intruder to its susceptible allies in Western Europe, Canada, Australia. The successful Jewish invasion of America foreordained The Fall of the West.

By the way, America and Europe both give the wrong answer to the question: Israelis or Arabs? The right answer is neither. Let them shift for themselves. The Christian world was denuded of its tribes by the Christian churches a thousand years ago. What have we to do with tribal warfare?