Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sage Presages: Triple Threat


1. Sub-replacement birth-rate in high-IQ nations
2. Dysgenic fertility pattern in high-IQ nations
3. Historically unprecedented continuous accumulation of mutational load throughout the population in high-IQ nations

=Civilizational collapse if left uncorrected

Cochran's corrective to apocalypticism:

"Again, I don’t believe a word of it [referring to a commenter's claim that average English IQ levels have dropped 15 points (1 std dev) in the last 120 years]. As for the declining rate of innovation, you have to have a really wide-ranging understanding of modern science and technology to have any feeling for what the underlying causes are. I come closer than most, and I probably don’t know enough. You don’t know enough. Let me tell you one thing: if genetic potential IQ for IQ had dropped 1 std, we’d see the end of progress in higher mathematics, and that has not happened at all.
Moreover, the selective trends disfavoring IQ all involve higher education among women and apparently nothing else – a trend which didn’t really get started until much more recently.
Not long enough, nor is dysgenic selection strong enough."

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Leftism is Inversion


Our leftists are not stupid. Banal, yes, but not stupid. This gay train started quietly down the tracks several decades ago, mostly traveling nights, colors subdued. Gradually all were exposed to the sight of the ugly thing and, despite a particularly dark and dangerous run of track encountered soon after it left the station, its course thereafter became ever more promiscuous and visible, with a visibility perhaps slightly enhanced by some friendly cosmeticians, stylists, tailors, and most of all strategic concealments--what scoffers may have misapprehended as propaganda. Observing this generation of dark passages, the Obama team, with exquisite acumen in temporal judgment, then announced to the expectant gathered gay world that the time is come, a glittering runway to the future awaits--the Big Apple, Showtime, Broadway! Free at last, free at last, great Obama almighty, free at last! And the train bears down on us brilliant, garish, violet, pink, mauve, lavender most of all--yes, all the hues so much beloved of the heavy-boned-and-browed, bristle-faced unimpregnable female, this enduring, ever-renewed insult to Darwinian fitness. And a huge phalanx of cheerleaders lines the track, Harvard, the USG, the NYT, The Atlantic, the American Federation of Teachers, Hollywood, the Donkeys leading the Elephants and their "churchly" friends as always to the mire. And the people, well, the people somehow no longer think what they used to think of this train, their aversion somehow (who knows how?) turned to welcome, to "tolerance," or, at least, to submission. How gay is that?

Monday, May 20, 2013

On Colonial Redemption

When we fail to oversee the natives, our Africans remember how Africa works (and yes all 4 baby mamas are black): http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2313882/Tavon-White-Murderer-fathered-FIVE-children-FOUR-guards.html

Ah, the psycho-pathology of African life. No wonder the Cathedral wants to flood us with mestizos--eventually these mestizos will presumably do what they did in Mexico: literally breed the Africans out of existence. Africans once roamed the wilds of Mexico. Now they're gone. Except, it happens that your average mestizo has 3% African DNA. The question then arises, what is the maximum amount of African blood consistent with a manageable race? Perhaps Brazil holds some answers to that one, with its wide ranging racial experiments.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Biomedical Innovation

If they can make this happen, a technological pursuit I've been tracking for 15 years, it would shift the paradigm for valve repairs. The younger the patient, the more important and advantageous this would be. Lacking this innovation, as is currently the case, patients who are not full-grown face multiple surgeries to ensure that the size of the valve keeps pace with the growth of their hearts. The benefits even for adults are considerable: the 2% yearly mortality/morbidity resultant from the artificial valve is eliminated--repeat surgery is unnecessary--and the need to take harmful medications ad infinitum is avoided. In theory, this would place the patient, post-surgery, in the position of a person with a healthy, natural heart. Researchers in this field, therefore, deem tissue engineered valves the holy grail. Given that this remains at least a year out, even in Europe, and that younger patients would presumably (and justly) receive priority over adults. The relatively high frequency of valve issues in the population means this would impact hundreds of thousands a year just in Europe and America--it would constitute the most important triumph for tissue engineering so far.