Thursday, May 31, 2012

The American Media: Running from Reality

A Censored Race War

The media is so in thrall to PC mandates that the black on white violence, which seems to be increasing in tempo and daylight boldness, simply disappears down the hole where our thought police keep all the thought crimes. Instead they circle endlessly back on the highly anomalous Trayvon story, as though it were representative and instructive instead of rare and misleading. This politicized exclusion of reality from American consciousness renders whites quite unnecessarily vulnerable to these attacks.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Greek Circle

The primary goal of this financial rigmarole is to blind the European taxpayers (ie the Germans) to the reality of their position. Imagine having a sordid, lying, cheating, stealing Section 8 tenant--then solving her insolvency by paying yourself the rent she owes you. Of course, this is only a temporary expedient until she reforms her ways!

Though most people cannot understand the procedural intricacies of the Eurocrats and their obliging Greek "friends", an editorialist can readily sum the figures for his readers. That sum, by the way, seems to be about $70 billion out the door and in the wind thus far, with real interest rates consuming about $5 billion a year so long as the Germans continue to service 75% of Greek debt. But, in addition to paying interest, they persist in sending more fresh capital into the black hole. Their total default exposure is around $170 billion just for Greece's public debt. Greek banks also owe debt to the Germans in the multibillion dollar range. If Greece leaves the EU, the nominal cost will probably be $300 billion or more. The real cost involved in radically upending business expectations and altering the terms of trade will be substantially higher. And the cost will fall upon the creditors primarily in either case. 

And then we have the Iberians.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Obama's Son

How could it be surprising that Obama would compare Trayvon Martin, a criminal in training wheels, to the son he might have had? That Obama would implicitly promote Trayvon as a typcial young black man? Black leaders have not promoted the interests of their people since at least 1965. They are in league with the socialist project to corrupt and debase their character. Socialists undermine blacks to prove that more government is necessary. The economic incentives created by the welfare state strongly promote family dissolution among the working and lower-middle classes of all races. It's too difficult for these people to cut against clear economic advantages in favor of the less tangible advantages (all but forgotten among multi-generational black single mothers) of family cohesiveness. Socialist policies create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And, actually, Trayvon is typical of half of black men--but, he ought not to be and the Obamas and Sharptons, the race-hustlers, ought not to encourage this as a black self-image. A third of black men are felons. What percent serve in the military or make significant contributions of any kind? How many even support their children?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Sense of Those Who Matter

This is particularly damning:
"Data gathered by Richard Sanders of the UCLA Law School shows that 53% of the black students who enter law school fail to qualify to become lawyers, versus 24% of white students. About 40 percent of black law school graduates (many of whom will have taken out crushing loans to pay three years of tuition) never pass the bar exam, compared to 15 percent of whites. Some will also waste additional years working dead-end day jobs while paying to take bar exam review courses at night, before finally giving up in despair."

Anywhere intellectual standards are imposed, major racial differences appear. Ideally, the analysis would also include Jews, who are not a comfortable fit within the white category. Their numbers are doubtless even better than those of the Asians. My first thought in seeing numbers like these is to wonder whether a sufficient number of men in the top IQ percentile are pursuing the ideal of progress, rather than just the idol of Mammon.

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Metaphysical Metamorphosis

The contemplation of God, and heaven, is a kind of burial, and sepulchre, and rest of the soul; and in this death of rapture, and ecstacy, in this death of the contemplation of my interest in my Saviour, I shall find myself, and all my sins interred, and entombed in his wounds, and like a lily in Paradise, out of red earth, I shall see my soul rise out of his blade, in a candour, and in an innocence, contracted there, acceptable in the sight of his Father.

John Donne

Riffing the 60s

This country began a process of self-destruction in the 60s, under pressure of the Cold War, from which we have not even begun to recover. Indeed, the vicious developments of that era have transformed into a vicious circle of perpetual decline and degradation. The Johnson-Nixon socialist axis, the interpretation of the war as a moral crime by the intelligentsia, the Johnson-Nixon civil rights laws which placed the federal government in the novel position of enforcing racist laws (previously racist laws had been state prerogatives), the Johnsonian decision to import Mexico, with its impervious traditions of corruption and ignorance--all of these shocks struck home in just a few years and all constituted overreactions to legitimate problems (except the immigration issue). And today, respectively, socialism grabs ever more of the economy and our liberty, political correctness has fully blossomed into entangling vines that encumber us all, government mandated racism (added to socialist paternalism) has further submerged the black race in sordid pathologies and has damaged the lower orders of all races, and one third of Mexico now resides in America, traditions largely intact, though increasingly succumbing to the lowest temptations offered by a government promoting socialism, racism, family dissolution, and, generally, the cause of the unproductive members of society against the productive.