Thursday, April 3, 2008


Inspired by Michelle Obama's confession that she is now, for the first time in her 44 years of life proud to be an American, having been born in the year of the Civil Rights Act, I was left to wonder again at the state of our national politics.

It seems that Obama, by way of his closest associates, is his own worst enemy. 
If he cannot win under the almost ideal circumstances he enjoys now--against a superannuated Senator unpopular in his own party, which party has been blamed for a war largely perceived as unsuccessful and incompetently managed, a party which will be blamed for the present descent of the nation's economy, a Republican party more damaged and discredited in public esteem than at any Presidential election since 1976--if, with all these burdens borne by his opponent, Obama still fails of success--might he not, despite all his promise and personal charisma, follow Al Gore into the wilderness, so culpable would he then be for permitting the executive and the judiciary to fall once again under Republican control? 
Now, Hillary, on the other hand, though superficially more diminished by her less successful and too prolonged pursuit of the crown, will, out of spite, if nothing else, never leave public office, ever--and may yet become President. Only think: she could run 3 more times before reaching McCain's years--and by then, of course, Chelsea will be of age to continue the Clintonite Presidential tradition endlessly on.