The Jews are unique: the smartest ethnic group in the world, the oldest, the most cohesive--and today the most powerful tribe in the world.
They are the last people to be trusted by any outsider. The principles upon which Israel is governed are eminently defensible, including the discrimination against immigrants based on racial and religious characteristics. However, the Jews in America (it may be doubted whether the phrase "American Jews" is ever apt)--are virtually unanimous in demanding that America refrain from enforcing these same principles that Israel and any other sensible nation enforces. The Jews in America are obviously a fifth column--obvious if one has access to the facts of the situation. But, since they have tremendous influence over the media and education, and their universally enforced speech codes service their convenience, very few know the facts and everything is spun in their favor. Their own holy books demonstrate perpetual war against the rest of the world for 3,000 years. They are a tribe; their religion simply reinforces tribal identity. They have no friends and they know it. They perceive only two categories outside the tribe: enemies or useful idiots at their disposal.
The ancient world knew their nature, before their nature was obscured by the distortions of Christianity (that ingenious Jewish invention): they are the people born for slavery, as Tacitus said. And slaves, being powerless, do not dislike or despise their enemies, they hate and resent and envy: they have no emotional distance, but succumb to these gnawing emotions and brood upon them. This was a major element in the formation of Jewish character: hundreds of years of suffering, slavery, and brooding upon revenge. The vicious character thus evolved led to their diaspora experiences: sooner or later they make themselves so unpleasant to the host nation that they are forcibly evicted or slaughtered. There is no exception to this rule. Dozens of very different nations have expelled them for much the same set of reasons. Perhaps, though, America is someway unique and never will expel them.
America was founded by the Puritans, a cult that pointedly sought to be more Jewish than the Jews, a cult that slowly evolved into Transcendentalists, then Abolitionists, then Progressives, then Socialist Progressives, then Cultural Marxists--each iteration of idealism more insane than its predecessor and the last, the Cultural Marxists, a finale that merges the last-gasp, doom-eager insanity of WASP culture with the shrewd and sharkish, reflexively overreaching, ever-insecure and ever-aggressive culture of the diaspora Jews. So, while we have on the one hand in Israel an ethno-religious capitalistic state with a reasonably healthy culture (meaning a culture that plans to survive, that sees a future for itself)--on the other hand we have the Western nations who are, with Jewish money and propaganda urging them on, destroying their ethnic foundations, surrendering their religions, suffocating their economies. Hypocrite is not a sufficient term for this contrast: I prefer predator. Those who, in the past, called them parasites had a point, but they underestimated the slave-bred malice and the brain-bred power they wield. America, then, has the same sorts of reasons that the expelling nations have always had; but America, when the Jews arrived en masse, had a severely compromised immune system, soft from a century of geopolitical safety and from incubating the idealistic madnesses to which such a strange safety had led. Instead of expelling the intruder, America, the power of the world, transported a still more virulent, but closely related intruder to its susceptible allies in Western Europe, Canada, Australia. The successful Jewish invasion of America foreordained The Fall of the West.
By the way, America and Europe both give the wrong answer to the question: Israelis or Arabs? The right answer is neither. Let them shift for themselves. The Christian world was denuded of its tribes by the Christian churches a thousand years ago. What have we to do with tribal warfare?
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