Monday, December 29, 2014

Some Violence

I wonder how well-guarded this tech is against spies?:

Proof of the use of experience:

I remember hearing this number from WWII and always tended to doubt it based on both my reading and common sense; Cochran's read much more about WWII than I have and doesn't buy it either:

Friday, December 19, 2014

Distributed Wind Energy

This is an idea that's been around for decades, but the tech has improved gradually, especially the control electronics and advanced materials. Google ownership means deep pockets and corporate/government connections. And the company founder is still in charge, so that crucial motive force, the entrepreneurial spirit and sense of ownership, ought to be operative.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

America in the Time of Commissars

Sailer on America as one huge re-education camp (the Dalrymple quote is classic):

The red-tinted afflictions of black America, or how the application of fake (Leftist) solutions to real problems plays out in reality:

Leftist infighting, an increasingly frequent and always reliable source of entertainment, Gays vs. Jews edition:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jewish Cliches, Jewish Hypocrisies

"The goy seeks a universal moral compass he can be loyal to and serve, but for the tribal Jew, the answer depends on what is good for the Jews. The primary question is what is good for the Jews."

Note my sources below. At least 3 impeccable:

From a convert to Judaism:
From a Jewish Daily:
From a far-left American "occupy" organization:
From Steve Sailer (on 2 billionaire Jewish hypocrites):

For the Jews, sustaining an ethno-religious state in Israel while simultaneously destroying all Western ethno-religious states--this is the old having your cake and eating it. There's a reason why it was the Jews who invented the word chutzpah.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Political Inversions, Cognitive Incarcerations

Did Obama just save the GOP from suicide?

Two comments also stood out:

(5) Mendaciously pretending to be concerned about the negative effects of leftist policies in the service of making those policies ever more extreme has been the leftist MO since Day 1. Lying is considered a virtue, and much laughs are had at the expense of the idiot rubes who had the wool pulled over their eyes. For example, Lincoln insisting that he was against freeing the slaves, FDR swearing up and down that his policies would be identical to the (very right-wing) Democratic platform in 1932, or Hubert Humphrey promising to eat the 1964 Civil Rights Act if it led to blacks receiving preferential treatment to whites (a promise that went sadly unfulfilled).

(7) Also, while you think that Obama is saving the Republican Party from itself, the hard truth of the matter is that lot of the Republican leadership that are kvetching about the means of what Obama is doing completely agree with the ends of what he’s doing. We hear too many talking heads complain about the means but not the ends. It’s as if an Overton Window is being constructed for us: Only argue about the legal minutiae, don’t notice how bad the actual substance of the thing is.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Vanguard of Idiocracy?

 U.S. college majors: Average IQ of students by gender ratio | scatter chart made by Etpinard | plotly

The more women pile into a field, the more the clean mountain air of logical thought becomes a swamp of emotional indulgence. The Femtard Dyke Brigade amasses its lardy, lame-witted zombies to overrun the last remaining bastions of logic and reality. Soon we'll have courses like "Gender Anxiety in Mathematical Structures," "Guilt and Gravity: How Men Use Gravitational Theory to Repress the LGBT Community," "The Oppressive Phallic Symbolism of Microelectronic Design and Praxis," "Inclusive Mechanical Engineering Introduction: A Womyn-Centered Perspective on Engineering Without Mathematics." On the list of Progressive errors, conceding suffrage to the female must rank rather high.

By the way, the IQ estimates in the graph are systematically overestimated for all majors because they're only counting those students who plan to pursue graduate school. I should expect the scores to be about 6-8 points lower in reality.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Entryism Works

The above is a post from 4chan, a site mostly populated by teenagers and twenty-somethings. The political discussions there are open to all comers, but usually won by rightist types. What would be paradoxical in a healthy society may be witnessed first-hand: the sanest political websites are those with least oversight, like 4chan.

The Leftists are purging people over on 4chan, formerly a free fire zone for participants, with no PC enforcement. This is their MO: they infiltrate, close the door behind them, then purge their enemies. They've played this entryist game (a page out of communist political strategy) throughout education, the media, Hollywood, non-profits, the civil service, the military. Now they're hitting smaller targets like 4chan, the NFL, Ferguson and assorted random symbolic targets like "racist" NBA owners and "homophobic" business execs. And the whole game is entirely one-sided, its success foregone, because even when an attack fails according to normal standards, the media still counts it as a Leftist win. For example, the Duke lacrosse players accused of raping a black whore were exonerated legally, yet are still considered racist rapists in the media. Same with Zimmerman. But, usually their targets simply capitulate.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Alternatives to Submission

 Larry Auster was, I think, one of the most intelligent of the paleo-conservative Christian-slanted political writers. Here are 2 brief articles on Islam:

His whole archive of articles and essays repays attention.

Most of his Islam articles:
His central analysis/advice on how the West ought to deal with Islam:

Auster also recommends this book on the subject:
On the main page is a useful summary of the book.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Once More to Rotherham
To my sense, nothing is more symbolic of post-Cold War Europe than this scandal. And the only intelligent analysis of it to be discovered comes from the reactionaries and neo-reactionaries, and the occasional paleo-conservative--the MSM and the one-party state rest almost silent.

This is Europe: a land ruled by insane and stupid people who collaborate with barbarians they have invited into their land to ruin the indigenous peoples--barbarians who take the incredible step of systematically raping the indigenous children. The only reason Europe still exists at all is because those barbarians still outside the gates are utterly incapable of imagining how weak it has become. Yet, surely, it is ripe for submission to Allah. Its will and its self-belief are fled.

Anarcho-Tyranny Unleashed

This is an especially disgusting type of crime. Its enablers (police, media, politicians, ngo's) will suffer not the slightest punishment. The few perpetrators so far convicted received light sentences.

On the theory and practice of anarcho-tyranny:

Overview articles on Rotherham:

Top feminist websites' (non)-coverage of Rotherham:

Some thoughts on the Rotherham atrocities from Nick Land and commenters (the "Cathedral" is the Leftist media-academic complex, those who lead the Leftist religion):

Nick Land:

The BBC fog-machine at work on the UK child-predation story:

Child sexual exploitation is happening in a “number of towns” in different parts of the country, according to the author of a damning report into abuse in Rotherham. … According to an estimate from the Children’s Commissioner for England three years ago, 2,409 children were identified as victims of exploitation by gangs over a 14-month period from 2010-11 …
 I’m going to assume that all the fanatically unspecified “men” (or “males”) involved are Muslims of Pakistani origin (abusing white children), unless presented with definite evidence to the contrary. Any other default would be an act of cognitive collaboration with Britain’s sordid little branch-operation of the Cathedral, and we’ve now seen with stark clarity what that enables.

Does the progressive media really think it can de-realize this festival of cultural ruin with a standard inattention protocol? If so, it has to count as an extraordinary peak hubris moment. Perhaps the left is structurally incapable of preventing itself from pushing things over the brink of catastrophe. It always has to take that one additional step, and it has no sense at all of how to back down.

There have to be a lot of people in the UK right now who would be delighted to see the media establishment strung up from lamp-posts, with panic and defection rife in journalistic ranks. It’s surely not impossible that the pattern now jutting into hideous visibility in Britain will evoke a disturbing sense of recognition elsewhere, possibly throughout the Anglosphere. As far as core Cathedral operating procedures are concerned, this has to be a period of (possibly unprecedented) vulnerability. As a source of regime threatening irritability, the Rotherham syndrome is the droit du seigneur of the new nobility — even among a pitifully broken people, it pushes some deeply atavistic buttons. Lies, sexual exploitation, and foreign invasion — who’d want to be PR manager for this cocktail of native degradation?


Scientism: I think perhaps we, from what I assume are our fairly “privileged” positions (not having been “vulnerable youth”, but I only speak for myself here), don’t quite grasp how insidious the Cathedral is. This looks to us like the Cathedral coming apart, but consider that what we have here is a system that managed to train a succession of civil servants to overlook abuse. Not just one or two, but seemingly every last person involved with the council, the police force and the charities, was trained to overlook this kind of abuse, for 16 years.

How can such an outcome be anything but the Cathedral firing on all cylinders, doing what it was designed to do? The immediate reality of the Cathedral for most of us is, essentially, having been misled by the media, having woken up and realised we’ve been lied to, perhaps knowing we’ve lost much of our culture. In the future, we expect some kind of collapse, we think things will get worse. But that’s in the future. On the other hand, the reality of the Cathedral for the civil servants, activists, etc, who are part of it is: Pakistani men raping little white girls while everybody looks the other way. The reality for the media: not reporting on these events, because it might make white people angry at a minority group. That’s their main concern, in both cases, not the abuse. That’s their daily lived experience: being complicit in atrocities while simultaneously being enraged by trivialities.

This is what these guys do all day and have been doing for years. A little scandal isn’t going to change the way they do things. The only thing that’s going to end this is economic collapse or war.

Kgaard: I do not see economic collapse, and I don’t see war coming to the UK’s shores anytime soon. So the existing system continues as is, I guess. When you look to the top of the power structure, the logic of it all is crystal clear: Big business wants the bodies to offset all the babies not being created by native Brits. Labour, meanwhile, wants the immigrants because immigrants vote Labour. So it’s a pact made in hell — and the same pact has been made in the US and much of continental Europe. There is no stopping it that I can see. Who stops it? Who can withstand the combined force of the ENTIRE power structure coming down on their head — from the political left to the right?

Scientism: It’s essentially a set of pernicious feedback loops. The civil servants, the media and a large portion of the British public are experiencing a severe belief bias effect where all evidence confirms their Leftist outlook. Every atrocity is cause to double down on their anti-racist efforts. These efforts protect and enable the gangs and cause more atrocities. This serves to confirm the horrors of systemic racism in the mind of the anti-racist. When the natives try to organise against the protected immigrants, they’re merely seen as racism incarnate, again confirming the Leftist outlook. It’s difficult to see any end to it. These aren’t rational people; they’re caught in a system that develops and maintains a kind of delusive belief system. With the media and most university educated members of the public complicit, there’s little hope of exposure. The outrage of the uneducated masses merely confirms their racist nature. Nationalist groups inevitably find solace in anti-system symbolism and end up goose-stepping down the street, again conforming the worldview of the anti-racists. Everybody has a role to play and everything confirms Leftism! How do you escape that?

Contra the Israel Lobby

I do not understand the need to idealize Israel: we can favor them over their barbaric enemies without idealizing them. The American-Israeli relationship has benefited the Israelis enormously, Americans not at all. There is no such thing as what this fellow terms an "unconditional ally," and Israel is the last country that would subscribe to such a sentimental notion. They are the most Machiavellian of nations--both in the sense of manifesting a rare capacity for intelligent decision-making and in the sense of being rigorously unsentimental. Consider the catastrophization of most of its neighbors of late. Do you really think the Jews had no hand in this bloody madness? Have you ever heard of the neo-cons? It happens to be a Jew-run movement and (extremely) pro-Israel. Chaos virtually surrounds Israel. This might sound disadvantageous; but, militarily, it's sound strategy. A mob cannot defeat a properly motivated military.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Maths and Peoples

Only read this first link down to the quote I pasted beneath it:

So far as I can discover there have been only three black African IMO medalists in recent years: Chigozie Henry Aniobe of Nigeria with a bronze in each of the last four years; Puis Aje Onah of Nigeria with a bronze in 2010 and Isaac Jean Eliel Konan of Ivory Coast with a silver that same year. (Konan is rather light-skinned, possibly a mulatto.)
It’s a poor showing for a continent that has had established universities for decades.

In the Supplement note I link at the bottom you see that 288 whites were up against 120 east Asians--but this is out of total populations of 1 billion and 1.7 billion, meaning 4 times as many competitors per million whites as Asians. What would the Asian average be if they put up 4 times as many as they did? Their average would decline. And blacks made only 41 out of about 900 million, 1/6 the white ratio, and took abysmal scores. Only 1 black scored in the top 260 (getting 17 out of 42), which is barely in the top half. Israel, with only 6 million Jews to work with, scored 18th place--only 3 smallish countries beat it: Singapore and Hong Kong, which only import smart people--and Hungary, which apparently just kicks ass. The American team has gotten more and more Asian and ever less Jewish and European in the last 20 years. Part of that is likely to be laziness among the latter groups. Asians took 19 out of the top 25 spots in this year's IMO. Yet 10 years ago they only got about 13 of 25. And 21 years ago, 11 of 25. It used to be the East European whites who pulled most of the weight for whites, but they've declined. This kind of super-high-IQ competition shows who are capable of making contributions and who aren't--though people cognizant of some basic history and not blinded by PC propaganda already have some idea.

Also, 9 times as many males as females made it into the IMO, yet the male average easily outpaces the female average, especially at the high end--and if you only look at the top 56 males (the top ninth) versus the 56 females, the score averages would be something like 33 to 10.5--yeah, so, thanks for playing girls. Only 1 female (Dutch) scored in the top 50, with a score of 29 out of a possible 42--the lowest score that still makes the top 50 cutoff. Last year only 1 (Jap) made it into the top 55, again at the minimum cutoff of 30 out of 42. Kind of reminds me of chess. Maybe there should be a female IMO. There definitely should be a black one, since they're much weaker than the females.:

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Plague of Bushsteins

From Steve Johnson in the comments:

All Ashkenazi are approximately as closely related as two whites who are third cousins would be. In other words,

Imagine if the Bush family was 1.7 – 2.6% of the population of the country and agitated the way they do now for policies that help the Bush family and helped each other out the way they do now. Doesn’t look like such a minor inconvenience anymore, does it? Instead of maybe a few dozen legacy admits to a few Ivy league schools now you’ve got 30% of the entering class made up of Bushes. Oh, and Bushes count as white for the quotas so actually over half of the whites actually are Bushes.

The Bush family is likely way above the American average in IQ too.

Now realize that the single most important issue to this family is ensuring the security and wealth of the family and that they see a majority white America as the number one threat to their security and wealth.

At least the Bush family is related to most Americans so their interests wouldn’t be nearly as opposed.

That’s why we’re talking about [this] 1.7 – 2.6% of the population.

The Cost of Progress

"Handle" is one of the active neo-reactionaries, well-versed in our political realities, a frequent commenter on some of the main right-thinking blogs. He conceived the excellent idea of documenting the course of the Leftist purges in the Western world. The chronological presentation of so many examples, high and low, may produce a more comprehensive understanding of the pace and scope of this phenomenon. The early years are thinly covered here, starting with Birch Society co-founder Revilo Oliver, with whom the craven Buckley broke ties in the late 50s--and running through, to note my sense of the highlights, Enoch Powell, Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran, Peter Brimelow, Larry Summers, Larry Auster, James Watson, Lou Dobbs, John Derbyshire, Ron Unz, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Charles Murray, Donald Sterling, Paul Weston, Condoleeza Rice. But have these sacrifices done more than whet the appetite of this amorphous alliance or merely prompted further predations?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

American Jews and Israel

I've noticed some complaints recently among Zionists that Israel's military actions are held to a much higher standard in the press than are those of its neighbors. But I do not perceive anti-Semitism here, at least in the American media. It is anti-Israel because the all-knowing American Jews who run "our" media consider Israel insufficiently progressive, especially since Israel gave up the dream of Jewish communism 25 years ago. Obviously, American Jews avail themselves of the luxury of neglecting the real issue of whether a highly progressive Israel would end up with any Jews in it. That's beside the point. Also beside the point, as they well know, is their propaganda on this issue: the Israelis ignore it, meaning our Jews can have their cake and eat it--blabbing their usual prog-blab, while Israel goes on being Jewish and sufficiently reactionary to survive.

I am mighty suspicious whenever I see the anti-Semitic claim spouted in the media. It's just one of those words used by the leftist elite to control thought. Outside the Muslim world, its use is generally unjustified. The Jews have worked incessantly for over a century to ensure that they can criticize everyone else, while any criticism of the Jews is defined as anti-Semitism, the unholiest of sins. Yet, there is no special reason to trust them, and when one is shot at, the only sane response is to shoot back. This is an inward-looking, narcissistic tribe hardly free of certain manipulative, malicious tendencies--and, at this advanced stage of history, America is virtually the only country naïve enough to play host to them in effective numbers.

I was just thinking recently whether it's a coincidence only that the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution all successively occurred--mainly in Italy, France, England, Holland--with so little apparent Jewish involvement. England had almost no Jews during the crucial years, France very few. In Italy and Holland they had little political power. And, in any event, each of these unique developments in world history were accomplished largely without the assistance of Jewish talent. When the Jews came on the intellectual scene in the nineteenth century they immediately began to politicize every field susceptible to politicization, which is almost all of them. Many intellectual fields were thereby destroyed--anthropology, for example, now a sub-field of Marxist studies. Despite their superior talents in many mental pursuits, there's no evidence that any field of legitimate inquiry would have stagnated without their involvement. Slowed, yes, but not stopped. There is every evidence, however, that many fields which now lie in ruins and remain guarded against any revival to this day by these same ruiners, would be much more functional without Jewish involvement.

Only the Jews in Israel are in process of recovering a healthy human perspective. American Jews, still exiles, remain stubbornly unhealthy by continuing the tradition of exiled Jews: through talent, tribalism, and deception they achieve a position of socio-economic superiority over the native population, then use their position to their own benefit, whilst smothering and discouraging native talent. In Israel, only talent avails. Deception, deemed a necessary evil by exiles, is discarded there, since power and responsibility, never united in exile, finally find each other. The exiles often possess power, but never feel responsibility--it is not their homeland after all--and many forswear any homeland, eternal exiles. It may even be that the American Jews now wield such power and sense so little responsibility, that they are, as an incidental effect, destroying themselves, losing tribal coherence, declining in numbers and quality. All around, it's a bad dynamic, not only in their radiating destructive tendencies, and the misapplication of their talents, but in the prospective loss of Ashkenazi talents through internal collapse.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Rotten Core of Modern Leftism

Zizek is one of the prime exhibits for the hollowness of modern leftism: a clever clown praised extravagantly by Leftist propaganda organs, hoisted up as the philosopher par excellence of his generation. But, Sailer's right: Zizek offers here a summary of The Culture of Critique probably more clearly written than anything else I've seen from his hand. If I were McDonald, I'd use it as a blurb on the book's back cover.

This book, despite its flaws, offers up some crucial historical analysis not elsewhere to be found. It competently investigates major socio-political phenomena, and it fights free of the censorship and abuse inflicted in America upon all criticisms of the Jews. Its two main flaws are the dubiousness of its guiding theory of group evolutionary strategy as the prime motivator of the Jewish assault on Western culture and its relative underweighting of the powerful groundwork for such destruction which had previously been laid by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hume, Rousseau, Voltaire, Paine, Bentham, Nietzsche. If the evolutionary theory were subtracted and more intellectual context added, I would have little to say against the book. Its most important aspects demonstrate the high degree of Jewish involvement in many destructive trends in the West and how the Jews may have or did interpret the destruction as beneficial to themselves. Per Derbyshire's review: the book focuses on "six distinct intellectual and political phenomena: the anti-Darwinian movement in the social sciences (most particularly the no-such-thing-as-race school of anthropology associated with Franz Boas), the prominence of Jews in left-wing politics, the psychoanalytic movement, the Frankfurt School of social science (which sought to explain social problems in terms of individual psychopathology), the "New York intellectuals" centered on Partisan Review during the 1940s and 1950s, and Jewish involvement in shaping U.S. immigration policy." All of these Jew-dominated phenomena were fundamentally damaging to American and Western traditions and cultural coherence. And more examples could readily be added (Hollywood, in particular, ought to be added--the pornography industry--America's Israel-warped foreign policy).

Given their immense success in America, the Jews ought to be held to a higher standard of decency than the majority--instead, the "chosen people," who ironically are much more atavistic and racially conscious than the Gentiles, hide and lie and censor and shamelessly persist in self-serving attacks. They use their immense success to ensure that no one has the power to measure the Jews by any standards. The Jews have become the arbiters of moral standards, and grant themselves flagrant exemption from moral judgment by any exogenous, any non-Jewish force. I do not condemn them as a monolithic tribe of traitors and subversives, since they have contributed uncounted victories to science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, economics, technology, aesthetic pursuits, and other fields. And many believe their efforts constitute universal wisdom. Nor, per Moldbug, do their efforts easily disentangle from America's homegrown Super-Protestantism/Ultra-Calvinism/Univeralism tradition. Also, in either an American or a global accounting, these Jewish assaults arose almost exclusively from the Ashkenazi Jews, not the Sephardi or Mizrahi contingents. Indeed, the latter groups were drawn into the Zionist project mainly by Ashkenazis, and found themselves expelled from Muslim nations in its wake. Yet, a list of nations in which Jews once resided, now absent Jews, might instructively be compared to a list of nations in which they currently reside. The former list is much longer than the latter--and for good reason. A good reason which also explains why these lands of Europe and North Africa and the Middle East, despite the known talents of the Jews, are not to be seen competing with each other for Jewish immigrants. But, America, a nation never in serious geopolitical jeopardy, a nation whose survival instincts are much dulled through a long and easy sojourn in safety, in short, a comparatively innocent land, America is the richest opportunity the Jews have ever met with, nor have they hesitated to attack her on all fronts and to cut out the largest pieces of pie they could manage. But, even America, someday, will lose her innocence and take measures against this predation, just as other former hosts of the Jews have done in their time.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Last Man

If we shipped 10 million blacks over there, some vigor might just return as they responded to the threat of violence and miscegenation. This is perhaps the only possible positive effect of Europe's importation of blacks/Muslims--threat to survival causing reinvigoration of the thin-blooded natives. Of course, they might collapse and surrender instead. It's a risk.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On the White Man and the Injuns

Benjamin Franklin talked about this. “When an Indian Child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our Customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and makes one Indian Ramble with them, there is no perswading him ever to return. [But] when white persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and lived a while among them, tho’ ransomed by their Friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a Short time they become disgusted with our manner of life, and the care and pains that are necessary to support it, and take the first good Opportunity of escaping again into the Woods, from whence there is no reclaiming them.”

Ben Franklin: The Indian Men when young are Hunters and Warriors; when old, Counsellors; for all their Government is by Counsel of the Sages; there is no Force there are no Prisons, no Officers to compel Obedience, or inflict Punishment.—Hence they generally study Oratory; the best Speaker having the most Influence. The Indian Women till the Ground, dress the Food, nurse and bring up the Children, & preserve & hand down to Posterity the Memory of public Transactions. These Employments of Men and Women are accounted natural & honorable, Having few artificial Wants, they have abundance of Leisure for Improvement by Conversation. Our laborious Manner of Life compar’d with theirs, they esteem slavish & base; and the Learning on which we value ourselves, they regard as frivolous & useless. An Instance of this occurr’d at the Treaty of Lancaster in Pensilvania, anno 1744, between the Government of Virginia and the Six Nations. After the principal Business was settled, the Commissioners from Virginia acquainted the Indians by a Speech, that there was at Williamsburg a College, with a Fund for Educating Indian youth; and that if the Six Nations would send down half a dozen of their young Lads to that College, the Government would take Care that they should be well provided for, and instructed in all the Learning of the White People...their Speaker began by expressing their deep Sense of the Kindness of the Virginia Government in making them that Offer, for we know, says he, that you highly esteem the kind of Learning taught in those Colleges, and that the Maintenance of our young Men while with you, would be very expensive to you. We are convinc’d therefore that you mean to do us Good by your Proposal, and we thank you heartily. But you who are wise must know, that different Nations have different Conceptions of Things, and you will therefore not take it amiss if our Ideas of this kind of Education happen not to be the same with yours. We have had some Experience of it: Several of our young People were formerly brought up at the Colleges of the Northern Provinces; they were instructed in all your Sciences; but when they came back to us they were bad Runners ignorant of every means of living in the Woods, unable to bear either Cold or Hunger, knew neither how to build a Cabin, take a Deer or kill an Enemy, spoke our Language imperfectly, were therefore neither fit for Hunters Warriors, or Counsellors, they were totally good for nothing. We are however not the less oblig’d by your kind Offer tho’ we decline accepting it; and to show our grateful Sense of it, if the Gentlemen of Virginia will send us a Dozen of their Sons, we will take great Care of their Education, instruct them in all we know, and make Men of them.

Friday, May 16, 2014

On 1984 and Brave New World

 "What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one." - Neil Postman

The witch hunters are banning books; a drugged-up, hyper-entertained Idiocracy will render them unwanted.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Nice Takedown
Of course, Obama was in the same line of work as this professional whiner. It suited him.

An especially good line: "The unexamined life is, we are told, not worth living. If, like Mr. Wideman, you are one of modern liberalism’s pampered pets with a plush affirmative-action sinecure teaching a made-up pseudo-discipline so that some university can darken up its brochures to the degree required by federal regs, the over-examined life is worth a neat 200 grand a year, plus tenure."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

On Leftist Socio-Moral Incenctives

This is rather an old notion on the Right: Leftism is driven largely by social status competition among its leaders, success being determined by achieved and sustained moral superiority. The moral nirvana toward which they strive is to out-Christian Jesus and out-communize Marx. The internal logic of Leftism drives it toward total insanity (for example, Mao's Cultural Revolution). Some Rightists have dubbed the culmination of this process the Left Singularity.

Jim has done considerable analysis of this crucial phenomenon:

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Also special:
A development like this marks a small decline in civilization itself. A running tally of such declines, which in these days come ever thicker and faster, would be instructive, I've no doubt. Those who think the utter dominance of Leftism in American discourse is a mere nuisance do not understand how culture evolves. The resentful hordes and the egalitarians, two mainly separate groups, are religious fanatics in action. Inferior people and groups are naturally resentful--what has changed is the increasing unwillingness of the naturally superior to defend their privileges--because the superior have mostly succumbed to the ideology of egalitarianism.

But, there is no equality either between individuals or between groups. Even the ancient philosophers knew that the only way to approach human equality is to level down. Considering just how far down certain groups are, that way lies civilizational collapse. Black Africa has never manifested the capacity for civilization; neither has Black America nor the Black Caribbean. Native Americans (including Mestizos) have demonstrated very little capacity for civilization. Neither race knows what achievements of civilizational consequence are. Neither race has ever produced a significant philosopher, theologian, prophet, composer, painter, architect, novelist, poet, playwright, inventor, scientist, engineer, mathematician, general, king, president, explorer. Not even one. Consider that the wheel had to be brought to them--neither of these peoples invented it themselves, no one in all the vastness of the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa could conceive it, though Asia and Europe had had it for at least 5,000 years. Both the climate and the presence of civilization alter human evolutionary paths--and in both respects aboriginal Americans and Blacks are disadvantaged. Their lack of any meaningful achievements as peoples is unsurprising: consider how far they lag Europeans and East Asians in evolutionary adaptation to the requirements and the opportunities of civilization. I do not believe America can survive intact the psychological and ethnic shift currently underway toward Mestizos and Blacks. Technology and democracy-limiting political structures (such as we have already in abundance) might well suffice to contain effects of the ethnic decline. But, the psychological side of the game, political correctness (egalitarianism interpreted resentfully), assures ruin.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fortune's Formula

 This is an investment strategy founded upon rigorous mathematical proof. I think if you read the "statement" section, you will find the basics comprehensible.
An automatic calculator for investing on the Kelly Criterion:

Of course, the catch is still and always maximizing one's accuracy in determining the probability of winning.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

America's Great Adversary

Sometimes our most dangerous enemies are wearing our uniforms. In the case of America over the last 100 years, I would modify that to most of the time. Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Bush II, Obama, taking them as both men and as symbols of the elites of their times, did more harm than even our most powerful international foes could manage. America has been spoiled by the absence of serious threats since 1783. Such security has been a rare privilege in national histories, perhaps shared with ancient Rome and certain periods of Chinese history--all of which examples succumbed to the same decadence we see around us, ever-increasing self-destruction and self-indulgence. The Americans, Romans and Chinese all indulged in unnecessary wars. And their elites detached themselves ever more complacently from reality, a detachment which in our case takes the form of the religion of cultural Marxism.

Basic Numbers in Education

Note that this is a remedial education post--those who understand racial IQ disparities should skip it.
This study shows 5% of blacks/Hispanics take certificates or associates degrees within 3 years at community colleges--and 32% of whites achieve the same. The initial racial differences in academic capacity on the ACT: the test shows that 15% of blacks, 29.5% of Hispanics, and 54% of whites at community colleges are prepared for college. This is the only hard predictive data--the percentage of each race that meets ACT college readiness benchmarks. But, this disparity is exacerbated by the fact that "equally capable" students of different races have far different levels of achievement. It shows 17% of hispanics, 33% of blacks, and 59% of whites who meet ACT college readiness benchmarks (equally capable in theory) get certs/degrees within 3 years. But, the blacks/hispanics claim to be more "motivated and committed"? This might be related to the races having different definitions of "motivated and committed." There might also be some lying involved in the claims.

Another problem is that most blacks who make the college readiness cutoff barely make it, whereas most whites who make it are comfortably above the minimum. In other words, the average ACT scores of "college ready" whites and blacks are different, with the white average markedly higher. This is unavoidable due to the large racial IQ gaps. Average IQs for the major races in America are 110 for Jews, 105 for Asians, 100 for whites, 92 for Hispanics, 85 for blacks. The black-white IQ gap has been in the 13-18 point range for 100 years. That is, it is nature consequent upon evolution in different environments, which different environments produced different characteristics, including different intelligence levels. In the general population 75% of Jews, 60% of Asians and 50% of whites have 100+ IQs--but only 31% of Hispanics and 14% of blacks have 100+ IQs. Note that this statistical difference in IQs is almost exactly the same as found above in the percentage of each race that is college ready. Also, if you calculate the average IQs of whites, blacks, Hispanics who make the 100+ IQ cutoff you find that the averages are approximately 114 for whites, 109 for Hispanics, and 106 for blacks. Whatever IQ cutoff is specified (whether 90, 100, 110, etc.) this difference in averages above the cutoff persists. The college ready whites are therefore smarter on average than the college ready blacks/Hispanics, just as college ready Asians and Jews are smarter on average than college ready whites. Another way to look at this is to consider what the minimum IQ of each graduate (5% of blacks/Hispanics, 32% of whites) would be if only the smartest of each group could graduate, which would give a general idea of how much the graduation rates are based on pure intelligence and how much on other factors like effort. This is in the nature of a thought experiment, since the smartest of each race do not attend community colleges. The underlying principles of analysis are about the same though--only there would be an IQ ceiling for each race in reality. If the smartest 5% of blacks/Hispanics and the smartest 32% of whites graduated, the minimum IQs for each race would be the following: black IQ: 106, Hispanic IQ: 116, white IQ: 107. This shows that if all blacks and whites with IQs above 107 graduated, the graduation rates would be almost exactly what the study found in reality: 4% for blacks, 32% for whites. This implies roughly equal effort and equal treatment among blacks and whites, though the 32% of whites with 107+ IQs still have higher average IQs than the blacks with 107+ IQs (which means in reality slightly better effort or treatment for the blacks). Hispanics in the 107-115 IQ range are not graduating as blacks and whites in that range are. The lack of effort therefore seems to be primarily an Hispanic problem. To get black numbers up to 32% you would have to arrange for blacks with minimum IQs of 91 to graduate. Moreover if Hispanic effort levels improved to match black/white levels, their graduation rate would rise from 5% to 13%.

Because the authors are politically correct socialist cowards, none of this IQ-based analysis finds its way into the 36 page report, even though my analysis explains everything very clearly. In particular, my analysis specifies the most correctable problem: lack of effort among Hispanics. Beyond that, only much lower academic standards across the board or, in the long run, differential eugenics would have much impact. And this study does not get close to the real problem, which is the huge disparities in the number of blacks/Hispanics capable of doing high level work, people at the 135+ IQ level. About 5% of Jews, 2% of Asians, 1% of whites, 0.2% of Hispanics, and 0.01% of blacks make this cutoff. Whites outnumber Hispanics 5 to 1 and blacks 100 to 1 at this level. Virtually all of the best scientists and inventors have IQs of at least 135. Many are 145+ where the ratios are 7 to 1 and 280 to 1. Without science and invention progress stops or, as in Sub-Saharan Africa, it never starts, or, as in "Idiocracy," progress turns into regress.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Exponentializing Orwell
Our Inner Party is rather more clever and possessed also of rather more technological options than Oceania's Inner Party was. Though not very good qua novel, Orwell's conceptual apparatus strikes me more and more as an indispensable element of political education. Of course that evil and incompetent faggot, Hoover, commenced this subterranean war against the American citizenry back in the 20s. And to this day the FBI is far better at tracking down petty domestic threats than guarding against real threats, like the espionage programs run by major powers. The Farewell Dossier, hand delivered to Reagan via a top Soviet KGB agent in 1981, demonstrated that the Soviets had such a vast and comprehensive spy program in the West--especially in America--that the technology thus acquired had kept their economy and military afloat throughout the Cold War. Of course, before the Cold War we had simply given them our technological riches. In other words, their entire economy and most of their military was founded on exogenous innovation. Outside of modest contributions to pure science and a few military advances, there was no innovation in the Soviet bloc. It was a gigantic, truculent parasite. But, the FBI had detected virtually none of this activity. Apparently catching bank robbers and destroying the John Birch Society was more important in their provincial minds. Now the Chinese are the principal threat, yet no signs of savvy FBI countermeasures appear. Though their economy is more efficiently organized than the Soviet's was, they've yet to demonstrate a capacity for innovation. They are quite good at technology theft though. The FBI's primary role is to manufacture consent domestically. I suspect the DIA/NSA/CIA/NGA/NRO/OICI/TFI/INR/etc. nexus does little more than manufacture consent abroad. The "democracy" part of our polity is strictly for purposes of public entertainment, like the circuses, indeed very like the circuses, in old Rome. Whether this odd configuration of national defense can last one wonders. Against the Soviets, some success may be claimed. But, then, their economic system was so outrageously inefficient, it made us look good in comparison. Their capacity to utilize all the tech their spies stole was badly constrained by their economic system. The Chinese have a better--probably a much better--set up. And, their demographics look much more formidable numerically, and somewhat better qualitatively. Confining American espionage to manufacturing consent at home and abroad will next be measured by its effects on the two remaining great powers. Which will suffer more damage from the firehose of egalitarian propaganda issuing from NYC, LA, and DC?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Anatomization of Progressive Adaptability and Cyclicality

The following is excerpted from a comment left on a post on this neo-reactionary blog post:
The comment's author is the proprietor of another neo-reactionary blog:
Handle shows how progressivism has religious characteristics, but is a religion without a central authoritative text or a single locus of human authority. Consequently, it is maximally adaptable, manipulable, survivable, keeping in power those ruthless enough to ride its snaky path--but its perfunctory logic and its unprincipled basis in rhetoric leave it with minimal social, economic, military, or any other sort of optimality. Note, by the by, that the best of the neo-reactionary blogs attract comments of a higher quality than most articles in standard publications--and, as mostly pseudonymous writers, they even find the freedom to trample presently protected political fetishes--when such impede the search for truth or amusement.

Handle's Comment:
The strongest belief systems is one that can change opportunistically without admitting its changing, pretend it is part of a continuous tradition without resembling even its recent forbears, and become absolutely impervious to criticism or falsification. Like a religion.
I think the ACA-hours thing is a good example of what you see a lot of progressive writers do, and what Yglesias is particularly skilled at doing first.
The pattern of any particular debate is:
1. Progressives develop policy goal A, and implementation B.
2. Opposition says that B will cause negative trade-off or unintended consequence C – that Progressives themselves currently accept as negative, or at least something that is seen by most of the public as negative.
3. Sometimes the argument goes further and deeper with the Opposition saying anyB that is trying to accomplish A leads to C, there’s just no way around it.
4. At first Progressives deny B->C. But that is sometimes falsifiable, or just a total howler.
5. Then Progressives say, well, ok C, which is bad, but A is worth it. This is a matter of subjective valuation, which is why is it a dead-end for discourse, spinning around the same cul-de-sac forever.
6. And if that’s not satisfactory, then someone like Yglesias notices the obvious solution to the problem which is just to come along and say, “Actually, C is a good thing, or at least it has a bright side which we’re ignoring and which can trump the negative side. Only stupid people caught in dead-ends don’t see this. We should have more C! The burden of proof should now shift to people who are opposed to C!” This is the ultimate in ‘spin’ – and ‘flipping the script’ is why we call it spin.
7. And then everybody else suddenly realizes the immense power for winning the debate behind adopting a new set of beliefs where C is a good thing, and a day after Yglesias does it, I see a dozen other high-Alexa county writers repeat it. All of a sudden, the frame of debate shifts and the desirability of C is new dead-end, and the ratchet proceeds one notch at the expense of replacing a former progressive belief with a more useful new one – an adaptive mutation.
An example is the recent minimum wage stuff: The CBO came out and said it would mean less jobs in the midst of a weak labor market for the low-skilled. Since the CBO is progressive gospel – they can’t afford to criticize the number and ruin the credibility of a source they constantly use as a weapon. And all sides agree fewer jobs in this situation is bad, right?
And then, suddenly:
The outcome that the CBO is forecasting—an outcome where you get a small amount of disemployment that’s vastly outweighed by the increase in income among low-wage families writ large—is the outcome that you want.
A minimum wage hike with a small but real disemployment impact is the minimum wage hike you want.
Then it tweets and tumbls and reblogs all over the place. Now the question shifts to ‘what’s the ‘optimal’ number of job losses for a minimum wage hike to maximize ‘prosperity’, which, yeah, is kind of a fuzzy, manipulable notion, but what we were really always shooting for.
Tyler Cowen pushes back against the avalanche here:
This is a perverse kind of Bayesianism where the policy cart is driving the ideology horse. One begins with subjective ideology and an empirical theory of policy implementation. When the data proves your theory produces results that are ideological negatives, then you just switch the valence to positive in your belief system. The means become the ends. Raising the minimum wage isn’t good because it redistributes more wealth from capital to labor without causing unemployment or inflation, raising the minimum wage is good in itself, and if disemployment and inflation are the results then they are also now positives we should have slightly more of.
Once you witness these progressivism adaptive mutation-cycles occur a few dozens of times a year (at least), you realize that change is the only constant

Thursday, February 20, 2014

From the Front

Finding the limits of Leftism:

The result is to turn every individual and organization into an infestation of parasitic social resentments. This is contagious and a spur to anarchy.

Will someone on the Left pull a Stalinist retrenchment? A return of Leftist authoritarianism?

Anarchy strikes deep, Ukraine totters, joining the ranks of many other nations the State Department has trashed with Leftist revolutions. Perhaps the time is come for the great infector, America, to eat a life-changing dose of its own medicine? We're seeing a big bull market in partisan division, with both sides struggling to contain and channel the energies of their true believers.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Statistical Summation

Amongst many other things: think twice before you accept a black, Hispanic, or foreign-educated medical doctor. They are generally less qualified.
Note also, the behavioral differences are well-attested. They tend to be demonstrable very early in life--before, for example, a black knows he's a black.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Self-Selection Protocols

As unchallenged one party rule makes the party dumber, their production of new ideas slows. Some day, self-reinforcing Leftist stupidity will implode the movement (cf. Brezhnevism).

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Leftist Cannibalizing

Yes, obviously, he's terminally mendacious to the point of tedious predictability--ergo retains active support only from dysfunctional black supplicants and SWPL Cathedralists with their zombie thralls.

But, what's interesting is the tenor of the comments--on The Hollywood Reporter! It's a running contest to denigrate BO, BO's wench, BO's regime. Wouldn't you expect this to be a Leftist publication with Leftist readers?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

America in Afghanistan

I recently watched some Obama officials testifying before Congress on the Afghan situation. These men work for an ideology dying from a million lies eating its insides like worms, an ideology whose immune system has been hijacked by these parasites and now selectively rejects truth. How could they cough up the accursed truth? How could they even digest it in order that it might then be coughed up? They speak truth only accidentally or, upon encounter, angrily reject the alien substance. Look how General McChrystal was vomited out. Among the insane ruling class, the truth is an alien pathology.