Two comments also stood out:
(5) Mendaciously pretending to be concerned about the negative effects of leftist policies in the service of making those policies ever more extreme has been the leftist MO since Day 1. Lying is considered a virtue, and much laughs are had at the expense of the idiot rubes who had the wool pulled over their eyes. For example, Lincoln insisting that he was against freeing the slaves, FDR swearing up and down that his policies would be identical to the (very right-wing) Democratic platform in 1932, or Hubert Humphrey promising to eat the 1964 Civil Rights Act if it led to blacks receiving preferential treatment to whites (a promise that went sadly unfulfilled).
(7) Also, while you think that Obama is saving the Republican Party from itself, the hard truth of the matter is that lot of the Republican leadership that are kvetching about the means of what Obama is doing completely agree with the ends of what he’s doing. We hear too many talking heads complain about the means but not the ends. It’s as if an Overton Window is being constructed for us: Only argue about the legal minutiae, don’t notice how bad the actual substance of the thing is.
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