Saturday, July 26, 2014

American Jews and Israel

I've noticed some complaints recently among Zionists that Israel's military actions are held to a much higher standard in the press than are those of its neighbors. But I do not perceive anti-Semitism here, at least in the American media. It is anti-Israel because the all-knowing American Jews who run "our" media consider Israel insufficiently progressive, especially since Israel gave up the dream of Jewish communism 25 years ago. Obviously, American Jews avail themselves of the luxury of neglecting the real issue of whether a highly progressive Israel would end up with any Jews in it. That's beside the point. Also beside the point, as they well know, is their propaganda on this issue: the Israelis ignore it, meaning our Jews can have their cake and eat it--blabbing their usual prog-blab, while Israel goes on being Jewish and sufficiently reactionary to survive.

I am mighty suspicious whenever I see the anti-Semitic claim spouted in the media. It's just one of those words used by the leftist elite to control thought. Outside the Muslim world, its use is generally unjustified. The Jews have worked incessantly for over a century to ensure that they can criticize everyone else, while any criticism of the Jews is defined as anti-Semitism, the unholiest of sins. Yet, there is no special reason to trust them, and when one is shot at, the only sane response is to shoot back. This is an inward-looking, narcissistic tribe hardly free of certain manipulative, malicious tendencies--and, at this advanced stage of history, America is virtually the only country naïve enough to play host to them in effective numbers.

I was just thinking recently whether it's a coincidence only that the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution all successively occurred--mainly in Italy, France, England, Holland--with so little apparent Jewish involvement. England had almost no Jews during the crucial years, France very few. In Italy and Holland they had little political power. And, in any event, each of these unique developments in world history were accomplished largely without the assistance of Jewish talent. When the Jews came on the intellectual scene in the nineteenth century they immediately began to politicize every field susceptible to politicization, which is almost all of them. Many intellectual fields were thereby destroyed--anthropology, for example, now a sub-field of Marxist studies. Despite their superior talents in many mental pursuits, there's no evidence that any field of legitimate inquiry would have stagnated without their involvement. Slowed, yes, but not stopped. There is every evidence, however, that many fields which now lie in ruins and remain guarded against any revival to this day by these same ruiners, would be much more functional without Jewish involvement.

Only the Jews in Israel are in process of recovering a healthy human perspective. American Jews, still exiles, remain stubbornly unhealthy by continuing the tradition of exiled Jews: through talent, tribalism, and deception they achieve a position of socio-economic superiority over the native population, then use their position to their own benefit, whilst smothering and discouraging native talent. In Israel, only talent avails. Deception, deemed a necessary evil by exiles, is discarded there, since power and responsibility, never united in exile, finally find each other. The exiles often possess power, but never feel responsibility--it is not their homeland after all--and many forswear any homeland, eternal exiles. It may even be that the American Jews now wield such power and sense so little responsibility, that they are, as an incidental effect, destroying themselves, losing tribal coherence, declining in numbers and quality. All around, it's a bad dynamic, not only in their radiating destructive tendencies, and the misapplication of their talents, but in the prospective loss of Ashkenazi talents through internal collapse.

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