Friday, September 19, 2014

Entryism Works

The above is a post from 4chan, a site mostly populated by teenagers and twenty-somethings. The political discussions there are open to all comers, but usually won by rightist types. What would be paradoxical in a healthy society may be witnessed first-hand: the sanest political websites are those with least oversight, like 4chan.

The Leftists are purging people over on 4chan, formerly a free fire zone for participants, with no PC enforcement. This is their MO: they infiltrate, close the door behind them, then purge their enemies. They've played this entryist game (a page out of communist political strategy) throughout education, the media, Hollywood, non-profits, the civil service, the military. Now they're hitting smaller targets like 4chan, the NFL, Ferguson and assorted random symbolic targets like "racist" NBA owners and "homophobic" business execs. And the whole game is entirely one-sided, its success foregone, because even when an attack fails according to normal standards, the media still counts it as a Leftist win. For example, the Duke lacrosse players accused of raping a black whore were exonerated legally, yet are still considered racist rapists in the media. Same with Zimmerman. But, usually their targets simply capitulate.

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