Friday, March 27, 2015

The Multi-Cult, Traitors, Islamization, LKY, Mind Control--The Anti-News

Murray seems to be stepping it down these days, Putnam remains, however absurdly, true red:

Freeman Dyson, decorated physicist, properly thrashed by Greg Cochran, less decorated physicist:
Great quote apropos such traitors: "In many cases, people seem to have done this for the sheer joy of licking Satan’s arse, not for the money."

The Muslim population doubled in the UK over 10 years--they're now almost 10% of the under 25 population:
From a comment by Kgaard:
This is exactly the sort of anti-life mentality that Nietzsche correctly identified as being integral to Christianity. If you won’t make Aristotelian judgments about what is good and what is bad in THIS world and then fight for them, you end up a pathetic pawn of events — always fighting your own DESIRE to judge (which is innate) but never actually doing so out of guilt. You become resentful of those who are willing to judge and fight for what they determine to be correct and true.
This is the PC COEXIST mindset in a nutshell.

Inadequately eulogized by the MSM:
Something less hagiographic from an East Asia expert:
Singapore does have 2 large problems:
1. It's never been self-sufficient in defense, though it could be. It has a population equal to Israel's Jewish population and a GDP higher than Israel's.
2. It's an unbelievable population sink (birth rate of .8 children per woman)--meaning it's not a sustainable example for the rest of the world.

A stroll through one of the most influential political works of the twentieth century (and the more eloquent of the 2 early works on propaganda's place in the modern state--the other being Walter Lippman's 1922 book "Public Opinion"):
Of course, rule by propaganda is merely the latest mutation of the Iron Law of Oligarchy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Better Weird
Some several to please:

"It's a simple solution to an incredibly complex problem," he said, shaking formulae from his umbrella.

Reality is only beautiful because you have the window seat. Your other self narrowly observes the world beyond from the aisle of your spine.

Element #29.5: Treblium (Tr) Once used to make swords, this metal is now used in brass instruments. It mourns its past, enriching the music.

Your landlord also installs water, air, and earth extinguishers, "just in case."

Schrödinger, Escher, and Heinlein walk into a bar. The bartender both is and isn't all three watching themselves become both of his parents.

Your new altar keeps pestering you to download premium gods.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Christians, Muslims, Tribalism

How the Church engineered paganism out of Western Europeans and Christianity into them:

The rather impressive theological reasoning behind de-tribing the peoples:

Inbreeding in Christian countries vs. Muslim countries today (I commented on this one belatedly):

It seems that the Arabs have infected most of the Muslim world with their form of tribalism, since Arabs always have had comparatively high status among Muslims and often were emulated. Consequent upon this, tribally organized societies have difficulty forming nation-states. Their peoples' loyalties are elsewise engaged: by strong family, clan, and tribal identities. Islam, being a warlike religion, does little in practice to counter this tendency and unite its adherents, except when opportunity arises for jihad against infidels. Such fine social subdivisions also diminish potential for commercial development: the wealthiest Islamic country lacking major oil resources is probably Turkey or Malaysia. Both have Mexican levels of per capita GDP, and only attain that height due to multiple special advantages. The Turks are at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, are NATO members, have some of the lowest inbreeding rates of Muslim nations, were unusually secular in their governance for 80 years, haven't fought a significant war is almost 100 years, and, until recently, were making aggressive efforts to gain admittance to the EU. The Malaysians have a large non-Muslim Chinese minority (20+%) who develop and sustain its commerce, enough oil/natural gas production to supply itself and do some exporting, a geographic position in a peaceful and rapidly growing part of the world, and a tradition of moderate Islamic beliefs.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mental Decline
It's a pretty good article, for NRO. This was a good bit:

"our current government-dominated model of education has been a catastrophe for African-American students. They are not the only social catastrophe for African Americans, and the effects of those catastrophes are difficult to disaggregate. But the data are reasonably clear."

Claiming that "government-dominated education" is in itself especially harmful is difficult to support. Union-dominated government schools in a nation whose intellectual life is overrun with cultural Marxists would be a more accurate diagnosis of our particular problem. The Bismarckian system he mentions was highly effective at turning out great scientists and engineers--they were the best in the world until WWI bankrupted the system. It is, in my opinion, mainly a question of the intellectual culture that pervades a society and the standards it presupposes on the one hand--and, on the other, the genetic quality of the human beings who move through the educational system. The article properly emphasizes the destructiveness of the Left on the first issue--but, political correctness forbids mention of the second, which is a worsening problem due to our dysgenic immigration policies. Whether public or private schools are preferred is symptomatic of the intellectual culture. By the way, when American students are disaggregated by race, they outperform in virtually every instance their co-racials in their home countries (ie, American Japanese outperform Japanese, American Mexicans outperform Mexicans, etc).