Freeman Dyson, decorated physicist, properly thrashed by Greg Cochran, less decorated physicist:
Great quote apropos such traitors: "In many cases, people seem to have done this for the sheer joy of licking Satan’s arse, not for the money."
The Muslim population doubled in the UK over 10 years--they're now almost 10% of the under 25 population:
From a comment by Kgaard:
This is exactly the sort of anti-life mentality that Nietzsche correctly identified as being integral to Christianity. If you won’t make Aristotelian judgments about what is good and what is bad in THIS world and then fight for them, you end up a pathetic pawn of events — always fighting your own DESIRE to judge (which is innate) but never actually doing so out of guilt. You become resentful of those who are willing to judge and fight for what they determine to be correct and true.
This is the PC COEXIST mindset in a nutshell.
Inadequately eulogized by the MSM:
Something less hagiographic from an East Asia expert:
Singapore does have 2 large problems:
1. It's never been self-sufficient in defense, though it could be. It has a population equal to Israel's Jewish population and a GDP higher than Israel's.
2. It's an unbelievable population sink (birth rate of .8 children per woman)--meaning it's not a sustainable example for the rest of the world.
A stroll through one of the most influential political works of the twentieth century (and the more eloquent of the 2 early works on propaganda's place in the modern state--the other being Walter Lippman's 1922 book "Public Opinion"):
Of course, rule by propaganda is merely the latest mutation of the Iron Law of Oligarchy.