Friday, September 19, 2014

Entryism Works

The above is a post from 4chan, a site mostly populated by teenagers and twenty-somethings. The political discussions there are open to all comers, but usually won by rightist types. What would be paradoxical in a healthy society may be witnessed first-hand: the sanest political websites are those with least oversight, like 4chan.

The Leftists are purging people over on 4chan, formerly a free fire zone for participants, with no PC enforcement. This is their MO: they infiltrate, close the door behind them, then purge their enemies. They've played this entryist game (a page out of communist political strategy) throughout education, the media, Hollywood, non-profits, the civil service, the military. Now they're hitting smaller targets like 4chan, the NFL, Ferguson and assorted random symbolic targets like "racist" NBA owners and "homophobic" business execs. And the whole game is entirely one-sided, its success foregone, because even when an attack fails according to normal standards, the media still counts it as a Leftist win. For example, the Duke lacrosse players accused of raping a black whore were exonerated legally, yet are still considered racist rapists in the media. Same with Zimmerman. But, usually their targets simply capitulate.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Alternatives to Submission

 Larry Auster was, I think, one of the most intelligent of the paleo-conservative Christian-slanted political writers. Here are 2 brief articles on Islam:

His whole archive of articles and essays repays attention.

Most of his Islam articles:
His central analysis/advice on how the West ought to deal with Islam:

Auster also recommends this book on the subject:
On the main page is a useful summary of the book.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Once More to Rotherham
To my sense, nothing is more symbolic of post-Cold War Europe than this scandal. And the only intelligent analysis of it to be discovered comes from the reactionaries and neo-reactionaries, and the occasional paleo-conservative--the MSM and the one-party state rest almost silent.

This is Europe: a land ruled by insane and stupid people who collaborate with barbarians they have invited into their land to ruin the indigenous peoples--barbarians who take the incredible step of systematically raping the indigenous children. The only reason Europe still exists at all is because those barbarians still outside the gates are utterly incapable of imagining how weak it has become. Yet, surely, it is ripe for submission to Allah. Its will and its self-belief are fled.

Anarcho-Tyranny Unleashed

This is an especially disgusting type of crime. Its enablers (police, media, politicians, ngo's) will suffer not the slightest punishment. The few perpetrators so far convicted received light sentences.

On the theory and practice of anarcho-tyranny:

Overview articles on Rotherham:

Top feminist websites' (non)-coverage of Rotherham:

Some thoughts on the Rotherham atrocities from Nick Land and commenters (the "Cathedral" is the Leftist media-academic complex, those who lead the Leftist religion):

Nick Land:

The BBC fog-machine at work on the UK child-predation story:

Child sexual exploitation is happening in a “number of towns” in different parts of the country, according to the author of a damning report into abuse in Rotherham. … According to an estimate from the Children’s Commissioner for England three years ago, 2,409 children were identified as victims of exploitation by gangs over a 14-month period from 2010-11 …
 I’m going to assume that all the fanatically unspecified “men” (or “males”) involved are Muslims of Pakistani origin (abusing white children), unless presented with definite evidence to the contrary. Any other default would be an act of cognitive collaboration with Britain’s sordid little branch-operation of the Cathedral, and we’ve now seen with stark clarity what that enables.

Does the progressive media really think it can de-realize this festival of cultural ruin with a standard inattention protocol? If so, it has to count as an extraordinary peak hubris moment. Perhaps the left is structurally incapable of preventing itself from pushing things over the brink of catastrophe. It always has to take that one additional step, and it has no sense at all of how to back down.

There have to be a lot of people in the UK right now who would be delighted to see the media establishment strung up from lamp-posts, with panic and defection rife in journalistic ranks. It’s surely not impossible that the pattern now jutting into hideous visibility in Britain will evoke a disturbing sense of recognition elsewhere, possibly throughout the Anglosphere. As far as core Cathedral operating procedures are concerned, this has to be a period of (possibly unprecedented) vulnerability. As a source of regime threatening irritability, the Rotherham syndrome is the droit du seigneur of the new nobility — even among a pitifully broken people, it pushes some deeply atavistic buttons. Lies, sexual exploitation, and foreign invasion — who’d want to be PR manager for this cocktail of native degradation?


Scientism: I think perhaps we, from what I assume are our fairly “privileged” positions (not having been “vulnerable youth”, but I only speak for myself here), don’t quite grasp how insidious the Cathedral is. This looks to us like the Cathedral coming apart, but consider that what we have here is a system that managed to train a succession of civil servants to overlook abuse. Not just one or two, but seemingly every last person involved with the council, the police force and the charities, was trained to overlook this kind of abuse, for 16 years.

How can such an outcome be anything but the Cathedral firing on all cylinders, doing what it was designed to do? The immediate reality of the Cathedral for most of us is, essentially, having been misled by the media, having woken up and realised we’ve been lied to, perhaps knowing we’ve lost much of our culture. In the future, we expect some kind of collapse, we think things will get worse. But that’s in the future. On the other hand, the reality of the Cathedral for the civil servants, activists, etc, who are part of it is: Pakistani men raping little white girls while everybody looks the other way. The reality for the media: not reporting on these events, because it might make white people angry at a minority group. That’s their main concern, in both cases, not the abuse. That’s their daily lived experience: being complicit in atrocities while simultaneously being enraged by trivialities.

This is what these guys do all day and have been doing for years. A little scandal isn’t going to change the way they do things. The only thing that’s going to end this is economic collapse or war.

Kgaard: I do not see economic collapse, and I don’t see war coming to the UK’s shores anytime soon. So the existing system continues as is, I guess. When you look to the top of the power structure, the logic of it all is crystal clear: Big business wants the bodies to offset all the babies not being created by native Brits. Labour, meanwhile, wants the immigrants because immigrants vote Labour. So it’s a pact made in hell — and the same pact has been made in the US and much of continental Europe. There is no stopping it that I can see. Who stops it? Who can withstand the combined force of the ENTIRE power structure coming down on their head — from the political left to the right?

Scientism: It’s essentially a set of pernicious feedback loops. The civil servants, the media and a large portion of the British public are experiencing a severe belief bias effect where all evidence confirms their Leftist outlook. Every atrocity is cause to double down on their anti-racist efforts. These efforts protect and enable the gangs and cause more atrocities. This serves to confirm the horrors of systemic racism in the mind of the anti-racist. When the natives try to organise against the protected immigrants, they’re merely seen as racism incarnate, again confirming the Leftist outlook. It’s difficult to see any end to it. These aren’t rational people; they’re caught in a system that develops and maintains a kind of delusive belief system. With the media and most university educated members of the public complicit, there’s little hope of exposure. The outrage of the uneducated masses merely confirms their racist nature. Nationalist groups inevitably find solace in anti-system symbolism and end up goose-stepping down the street, again conforming the worldview of the anti-racists. Everybody has a role to play and everything confirms Leftism! How do you escape that?

Contra the Israel Lobby

I do not understand the need to idealize Israel: we can favor them over their barbaric enemies without idealizing them. The American-Israeli relationship has benefited the Israelis enormously, Americans not at all. There is no such thing as what this fellow terms an "unconditional ally," and Israel is the last country that would subscribe to such a sentimental notion. They are the most Machiavellian of nations--both in the sense of manifesting a rare capacity for intelligent decision-making and in the sense of being rigorously unsentimental. Consider the catastrophization of most of its neighbors of late. Do you really think the Jews had no hand in this bloody madness? Have you ever heard of the neo-cons? It happens to be a Jew-run movement and (extremely) pro-Israel. Chaos virtually surrounds Israel. This might sound disadvantageous; but, militarily, it's sound strategy. A mob cannot defeat a properly motivated military.