Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Plague of Bushsteins

From Steve Johnson in the comments:

All Ashkenazi are approximately as closely related as two whites who are third cousins would be. In other words,

Imagine if the Bush family was 1.7 – 2.6% of the population of the country and agitated the way they do now for policies that help the Bush family and helped each other out the way they do now. Doesn’t look like such a minor inconvenience anymore, does it? Instead of maybe a few dozen legacy admits to a few Ivy league schools now you’ve got 30% of the entering class made up of Bushes. Oh, and Bushes count as white for the quotas so actually over half of the whites actually are Bushes.

The Bush family is likely way above the American average in IQ too.

Now realize that the single most important issue to this family is ensuring the security and wealth of the family and that they see a majority white America as the number one threat to their security and wealth.

At least the Bush family is related to most Americans so their interests wouldn’t be nearly as opposed.

That’s why we’re talking about [this] 1.7 – 2.6% of the population.

The Cost of Progress

"Handle" is one of the active neo-reactionaries, well-versed in our political realities, a frequent commenter on some of the main right-thinking blogs. He conceived the excellent idea of documenting the course of the Leftist purges in the Western world. The chronological presentation of so many examples, high and low, may produce a more comprehensive understanding of the pace and scope of this phenomenon. The early years are thinly covered here, starting with Birch Society co-founder Revilo Oliver, with whom the craven Buckley broke ties in the late 50s--and running through, to note my sense of the highlights, Enoch Powell, Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran, Peter Brimelow, Larry Summers, Larry Auster, James Watson, Lou Dobbs, John Derbyshire, Ron Unz, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Charles Murray, Donald Sterling, Paul Weston, Condoleeza Rice. But have these sacrifices done more than whet the appetite of this amorphous alliance or merely prompted further predations?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

American Jews and Israel

I've noticed some complaints recently among Zionists that Israel's military actions are held to a much higher standard in the press than are those of its neighbors. But I do not perceive anti-Semitism here, at least in the American media. It is anti-Israel because the all-knowing American Jews who run "our" media consider Israel insufficiently progressive, especially since Israel gave up the dream of Jewish communism 25 years ago. Obviously, American Jews avail themselves of the luxury of neglecting the real issue of whether a highly progressive Israel would end up with any Jews in it. That's beside the point. Also beside the point, as they well know, is their propaganda on this issue: the Israelis ignore it, meaning our Jews can have their cake and eat it--blabbing their usual prog-blab, while Israel goes on being Jewish and sufficiently reactionary to survive.

I am mighty suspicious whenever I see the anti-Semitic claim spouted in the media. It's just one of those words used by the leftist elite to control thought. Outside the Muslim world, its use is generally unjustified. The Jews have worked incessantly for over a century to ensure that they can criticize everyone else, while any criticism of the Jews is defined as anti-Semitism, the unholiest of sins. Yet, there is no special reason to trust them, and when one is shot at, the only sane response is to shoot back. This is an inward-looking, narcissistic tribe hardly free of certain manipulative, malicious tendencies--and, at this advanced stage of history, America is virtually the only country naïve enough to play host to them in effective numbers.

I was just thinking recently whether it's a coincidence only that the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution all successively occurred--mainly in Italy, France, England, Holland--with so little apparent Jewish involvement. England had almost no Jews during the crucial years, France very few. In Italy and Holland they had little political power. And, in any event, each of these unique developments in world history were accomplished largely without the assistance of Jewish talent. When the Jews came on the intellectual scene in the nineteenth century they immediately began to politicize every field susceptible to politicization, which is almost all of them. Many intellectual fields were thereby destroyed--anthropology, for example, now a sub-field of Marxist studies. Despite their superior talents in many mental pursuits, there's no evidence that any field of legitimate inquiry would have stagnated without their involvement. Slowed, yes, but not stopped. There is every evidence, however, that many fields which now lie in ruins and remain guarded against any revival to this day by these same ruiners, would be much more functional without Jewish involvement.

Only the Jews in Israel are in process of recovering a healthy human perspective. American Jews, still exiles, remain stubbornly unhealthy by continuing the tradition of exiled Jews: through talent, tribalism, and deception they achieve a position of socio-economic superiority over the native population, then use their position to their own benefit, whilst smothering and discouraging native talent. In Israel, only talent avails. Deception, deemed a necessary evil by exiles, is discarded there, since power and responsibility, never united in exile, finally find each other. The exiles often possess power, but never feel responsibility--it is not their homeland after all--and many forswear any homeland, eternal exiles. It may even be that the American Jews now wield such power and sense so little responsibility, that they are, as an incidental effect, destroying themselves, losing tribal coherence, declining in numbers and quality. All around, it's a bad dynamic, not only in their radiating destructive tendencies, and the misapplication of their talents, but in the prospective loss of Ashkenazi talents through internal collapse.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Rotten Core of Modern Leftism

Zizek is one of the prime exhibits for the hollowness of modern leftism: a clever clown praised extravagantly by Leftist propaganda organs, hoisted up as the philosopher par excellence of his generation. But, Sailer's right: Zizek offers here a summary of The Culture of Critique probably more clearly written than anything else I've seen from his hand. If I were McDonald, I'd use it as a blurb on the book's back cover.

This book, despite its flaws, offers up some crucial historical analysis not elsewhere to be found. It competently investigates major socio-political phenomena, and it fights free of the censorship and abuse inflicted in America upon all criticisms of the Jews. Its two main flaws are the dubiousness of its guiding theory of group evolutionary strategy as the prime motivator of the Jewish assault on Western culture and its relative underweighting of the powerful groundwork for such destruction which had previously been laid by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hume, Rousseau, Voltaire, Paine, Bentham, Nietzsche. If the evolutionary theory were subtracted and more intellectual context added, I would have little to say against the book. Its most important aspects demonstrate the high degree of Jewish involvement in many destructive trends in the West and how the Jews may have or did interpret the destruction as beneficial to themselves. Per Derbyshire's review: the book focuses on "six distinct intellectual and political phenomena: the anti-Darwinian movement in the social sciences (most particularly the no-such-thing-as-race school of anthropology associated with Franz Boas), the prominence of Jews in left-wing politics, the psychoanalytic movement, the Frankfurt School of social science (which sought to explain social problems in terms of individual psychopathology), the "New York intellectuals" centered on Partisan Review during the 1940s and 1950s, and Jewish involvement in shaping U.S. immigration policy." All of these Jew-dominated phenomena were fundamentally damaging to American and Western traditions and cultural coherence. And more examples could readily be added (Hollywood, in particular, ought to be added--the pornography industry--America's Israel-warped foreign policy).

Given their immense success in America, the Jews ought to be held to a higher standard of decency than the majority--instead, the "chosen people," who ironically are much more atavistic and racially conscious than the Gentiles, hide and lie and censor and shamelessly persist in self-serving attacks. They use their immense success to ensure that no one has the power to measure the Jews by any standards. The Jews have become the arbiters of moral standards, and grant themselves flagrant exemption from moral judgment by any exogenous, any non-Jewish force. I do not condemn them as a monolithic tribe of traitors and subversives, since they have contributed uncounted victories to science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, economics, technology, aesthetic pursuits, and other fields. And many believe their efforts constitute universal wisdom. Nor, per Moldbug, do their efforts easily disentangle from America's homegrown Super-Protestantism/Ultra-Calvinism/Univeralism tradition. Also, in either an American or a global accounting, these Jewish assaults arose almost exclusively from the Ashkenazi Jews, not the Sephardi or Mizrahi contingents. Indeed, the latter groups were drawn into the Zionist project mainly by Ashkenazis, and found themselves expelled from Muslim nations in its wake. Yet, a list of nations in which Jews once resided, now absent Jews, might instructively be compared to a list of nations in which they currently reside. The former list is much longer than the latter--and for good reason. A good reason which also explains why these lands of Europe and North Africa and the Middle East, despite the known talents of the Jews, are not to be seen competing with each other for Jewish immigrants. But, America, a nation never in serious geopolitical jeopardy, a nation whose survival instincts are much dulled through a long and easy sojourn in safety, in short, a comparatively innocent land, America is the richest opportunity the Jews have ever met with, nor have they hesitated to attack her on all fronts and to cut out the largest pieces of pie they could manage. But, even America, someday, will lose her innocence and take measures against this predation, just as other former hosts of the Jews have done in their time.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Last Man

If we shipped 10 million blacks over there, some vigor might just return as they responded to the threat of violence and miscegenation. This is perhaps the only possible positive effect of Europe's importation of blacks/Muslims--threat to survival causing reinvigoration of the thin-blooded natives. Of course, they might collapse and surrender instead. It's a risk.