The hatred Hitler inflicted upon Europe and which it has ever since redounded upon his dreams, the nanny-state weakness engendered by post-war prosperity, the psychological damage of the most terrible wars known to man, the fear of Jewish superiority and otherness, the complacency toward a Muslim population implicitly presumed to be inferior, the outgrowth of political correctness as a self-lacerating ideology created in response to prior evil ideologies (esp. Nazism), the nature of all ideologies and ideologues to privilege loyalty in thought and speech over truth, the failure to understand that Islam is a far more powerful and implacable ideology than "political correctness" can hope to be--in fact, the most powerful ideology Europe has ever experienced, more powerful even than Christianity ever was----All of these factors play a role in current European developments.
Europeans feared the Jews as aliens from the time of their arrival and applied to them special restrictions and, after the first few generations of occasional mixing, Christians and Jews lived as separate populations. Due to the nature of the specialized roles (esp. trade and finance) which the Jews came to monopolize, shrewdness was a characteristic more useful to Jews than to Gentiles. Also, more than the Christians, the Jews in their long exile valued book learning and rewarded the best scholars. The high value their circumstances and culture placed on shrewdness and on learning probably caused a virtuous circle in which the most successful, in terms of these characteristics, obtained more wealth and produced more children. This is called eugenics, here in the form of breeding for high intelligence. Not only are the Jews vastly overrepresented in their intellectual achievements vis-à-vis the Muslims, they have, in proportion to population, at least a 10-1 advantage over Gentiles in terms of the academic Nobels and the Fields Medals, and the more cognitively challenging the field the greater their relative advantage. Here’s a recent paper laying out the possibility of eugenic evolutionary pressures for Ashkenazi Jews:
It is natural to fear the alien. But, when that alien is superior to you genetically and culturally--tolerance of such circumstances among the general populace is unlikely to last. Europe chose the worst solution to the social tension that arose as Jews rose to the top in the socioeconomic competition—which happened in proportion to their escape from the traditional restrictions on their activities, beginning in the eighteenth century. The best solution, perhaps, among those within the realm of human possibility, was one suggested by Nietzsche in the 1880s: the aristocratic and officer classes of the nations of Europe (and presumably other elite elements of Gentile society) should strategically intermarry with the Jews to engender the “good Europeans” who would lead a united Europe. The risk would have been the demise of Jewry as a race and culture distinct from any other. In any case, the Europeans did not have the courage for this grand vision of the future. They succumbed to petty, mindless nationalism and narrow, often brutal ideological dungeons for generations, then, post-Hitler, turned to a suicidal pacifism as an ineffectual and equally stupid repentance for the past. Nor did they consider calling a halt to their mad fantasy quest to undo the past after renouncing the potentially noble endeavor of colonialism (the end of which produced quite catastrophic results, perhaps as bad, in terms of human suffering, as the world wars which were the proximate cause of the pullback), instead they pressed on, and, entangled in their delusions, they begged, in action and not only in words, for the opportunity to submit to a reverse colonialism. They place a higher priority on attempting to atone for the past and on massaging their consciences than on actually enacting the good in life. And Hitler’s ghost laughs at these weak fools who still cower in his shadow and thereby prepare the way for a worthy successor, another visionary of the Götterdämmerung or a conquering caliph.
How could this happen? By what perverse logic are these people guided? For centuries Europe's will to power in both the spiritual and material realms has slowly subsided in face of the combined assaults of philosophical skepticism (at least, among the elite) and increasing sensitivity to pain and to fear (characteristic of the people at large, who became, as a united conforming mass, politically significant as democracy spread). Having no intellectual elite outside of the close-minded priestly class, Islam does not suffer the first philosophical weakness, and its economic primitivism and "eye for an eye" moral-religious code keep it relatively safe from oversensitivity. Result: the Muslim will to power sees Europe as ripe for submission. It seems that the human psychological equation dictates that more stupidity and more brutality produce more will to power.
Thus, having destroyed their great chance to be led by the Jews, an authentically superior people, or by a superior mixed race, like Nietzsche’s good Europeans, the bad Europeans come instead to power and proceed to prostrate themselves before an inferior people.
Yet, just as the world wars and the Holocaust revolutionized European psychology into the submissive form we find today, there remains the possibility of another revolution. Perhaps an excess of Muslim brutality will revive Europe, sharpening its intelligence (perhaps from an exodus of Israeli Jews to newly welcoming parts of Europe), strengthening it by exposure to inescapable brutality, and replacing the weak-born and birthing quality of sensitivity with the strength-engendered and engendering quality of generosity.
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