Saturday, November 20, 2010

Obama Logic

This is one of the very few things Obama has actually put his name to. It makes for totally unoriginal propaganda along the main line of political correctness. How surprising.
Obama says (circa 1994):
1. IQ tests are illegitimate
2. cancelling affirmative action and welfare is racist
3. blacks need to take responsibility for their lives
4. blacks have never had equal opportunity in reality
5. equal opportunity would require heavy (or heavier) government spending/intervention in the lives of the poor
I agree with #3.
#1 is a harmful form of denial.
#2 presumes that America owes reparations to blacks, which it does not. I might add that calling others racist without clear cause and justification is itself racist.
#4 blacks have received more than they've given since 1965 in financial, professional, and educational terms--and it is a pregnant symbol of the self-defeating attitude of the black community that by the second generation, every non-black group of immigrants (having started with less) has surpassed American blacks in all measurable socioeconomic statistics.
#5 government intervention has been so pervasive and is so incompetent and psychologically damaging that it has been, is, and will be counterproductive.

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