Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jewish Measures

I just read yet another Jewish editorialist who provided a retread of the usual Zionist delusionalism. I will not link it. There is no thinking there--it's just a brief repetition of other people's ideas, without regard for whether they possess any justification--some do, some don't, but the putative author has no sense of where the sense may lie. This fellow stands manifestly unworthy of the great Jewish tradition.
Since the Jews do not suffer a proportionate burden of stupidity, I speculatively attribute these frequent excresences of tribalist prejudice and arbitrary historicizing to several conditions:
First, their Arab enemies are inbred and organically stupid people under sway of a comparatively childish conception of religion which reinforces their stupidity and breeds brutality--an enemy utterly lacking any living intellectual tradition--this reality has, through long interaction, helped to debase the moral and intellectual standards the Israeli Jews brought with them from Europe (having, ironically, invented many of these standards themselves in the first instance millenia past, introduced them to Europe, and furthered their development over centuries against much barbaric resistance). Brutality is contagious. Hitler infected the Jews, who brutally founded their Zionist state. Thus were their victims infected, who thereafter infected the remnant of the Arab world. But, the Arabs, with their inbred stupidity and martial religion, were primed for the infection to a degree that the Jews were not. In addition to the neurological difference, there is a difference in kind, culturally, between these two civilizations. The Arabs, as a civilization, did not develop. Their civilization still revolves around a medieval text whose quality can easily be discerned by reading the sections that provide a reinterpretation of the Judaic and Christian holy books. It simplifies to the point of being cartoonish. Not only was Mohammed unable to invent such stories himself, he could not even apprehend the meaning of the stories the great Jewish prophets and apostles had handed down. And yet this is the One Book of a billion Muslims! The Jews, fortunately, have not only their brilliant holy texts, which had the capacity to digest and reconceive virtually all preceding religious texts, as a powerful foundation for a contributive culture--but, also, vitally, the ability in the post-Prophetic age to create or assimilate all the other books of the world. The Jews not only invented monotheism, they play the game better than any of their successors. And to this creative power they added an enormous assimilative capacity. No useful source of intellectual power has escaped them. No useful source has ever found the Arabs. The Jews absorbed Plato, the greatest thinker of the ancient world, then merged him with various Jewish traditions to create Christianity. After their invention metamorphosed into unexpected barbarity (unexpected, most particularly, because Christianity, unlike Islam, or even Judaism itself, is a fundamentally idealistic religion), they carefully preserved their traditions and found ways to survive its hostility, even when domiciled in lands under its dominion. And, by way of encouraging the development of a Christian civilization with such means as they had available, their principle contribution was as savvy moneylenders who helped to supplant feudal relationships with economic (capitalist) relationships as the source of power (military, governmental, social) in the Western world. This transformation bred capitalism and was one of the seeds of the industrial revolution. Also, their preserved traditions, which included valuable non-Jewish ancient texts, provided material for the gentiles to work upon and build into the Renaissance. And the Renaissance led to the Protestant Reformation, which led to the Enlightenment, which further contributed to the gathering force of capitalism, a force which finally reached the threshold of necessary factors to produce the industrial revolution, whose success then permitted the social luxuries of democracy and individual liberty. Of course, direct participation in most of these successive, cumulative developments was prevented by the feudal and religious restrictions imposed upon them during this period. Only in the 18th and 19th centuries did gentiles begin to permit Jews full rights--and, concurrently, the Jews grew more secular and inclined to integration. The Muslim world, however, not only failed to contribute to any of these developments in the advancement of civilization, they also failed even to experience any of these things--to this day. Their reality is medieval, which is to say, barbaric.

Second, the Jews in the last 70 years have suffered an unending series of major traumas, which has caused them to adopt a posture toward the "unchosen" people defensive and paranoid (analogous to Stalin's Russia, which, having once been attacked by Hitler, decided thereafter that all other nations were enemies by definition, and treated them accordingly, and suffered accordingly). 
All of this by way of a meditation on the future of the Jews, who boast one of the most glorious histories, and one of the most tragic, of any people.

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