Black psychology in America is a slavish psychology in the sense that Nietzsche means when referring to "slave morality." They transitioned from a slave class to a federally protected underclass, then were made wards of the state by LBJ, Nixon, and the "liberal consensus" of that time. In other words, they have always existed in a dependent status as a people, though they were progressively closing in on independent status during the Jim Crow era. Hence, burdened by this sense of a separate history, they do not conceptualize citizens' rights in the same way as other Americans, that such rights form the great bulwarks of individual liberty. They view liberty as a threat to their protected status, to the supposed safety of their dependency. Their other major psychological problem, and another fundamentally slavish condition of the mind, is a lack of trust in others. They mistrust non-blacks for historical and cultural reasons; they mistrust government due to its association with the police power; and they mistrust fellow blacks due to prevalent and atavistic criminal tendencies.
Judging from the history of the Jews (admittedly an entirely different culture in most ways and one which had the signal advantage of starting with and sustaining a unified cultural and religious tradition through their periods of enslavement), it may be that a people, once overcome by slavery and a slave morality, can only achieve a restoration of their full humanity by establishing and governing their own nation. Of course, this was attempted in the case of Liberia--but, in fairness, the attempt was, from the beginning, highly prejudiced by lack of resources. A counterpoint to this line of thought would be the case of the Indians, who, despite the opportunity to govern quasi-nations of their own, seem unable to escape their own version of slave psychology (though some of the casino Indians are now rather rich dependents). The ward-races of America, however, are too far domesticated by government largesse, and the elites of their races too corrupted by race quotas that divorce them from the highest aspirations of their peoples--under these conditions salutary reforms of political conditions that might redound to ennoble the unproductive, slave-minded races will not even be thought of, and will not be discussed, and will not happen.
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