Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Government
We need more agencies like DARPA and ARPA-E. They give quality people a long leash, think long-term, and understand the concept of risk-reward. Result: breakthroughs and high return on capital.
Here's an excerpt from an interview with Tony Tether (TT), DARPA head, from the article above:

TT: There’s one that’s really over the horizon, the fact that it goes back to the testing part, too. There’s always been this notion of the "golden hour." If you can get somebody to good medical care, where they can be given blood and all of that stuff within an hour, the survival is greatly enhanced. Well, when you have these small units out there, and especially in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s really six hours before someone can be evacuated. So a person with great blood loss, which is what happens in wars, will die.

We had a guy with an idea. He said, why is it that people die with
60% of their blood gone? Is there any reason for that? What happens, what is going on? So we started an effort. We went out in our normal way and challenged the community. Look, here’s the problem: Is there any way we can keep a person alive with 60% blood loss for six hours as opposed to an hour? And we have found two amazing techniques.

NS: Tell me about them.

TT: These are techniques that could be given by a medical on the spot. One is giving somebody a shot of estrogen. I know that’s sort of strange, isn’t it? And it’s the typical Darpa fashion. Somebody said, "You know, women in general survive blood loss better than men."
And what is one of the chemical differences between a male and a female?  Estrogen. Think about what had to happen in order for us to have survived for all this time and evolve. Childbirth is a very bloody process.  If a woman had a baby 5,000 years ago, and if she couldn’t handle that blood loss and take that baby and go to a safe spot and all the rest of it, we would have gone away. And if you look at what happens with a woman at childbirth, she gets a big shot of estrogen from her own body. So we tried it. By the way, the one difference between Darpa and the National Institutes of Health, for example, is that Darpa will take a bet on an idea to go get the data to see if the idea is worthwhile, whereas at the NIH you typically need to have the data before they give you the effort to get the data. I’m sure you’ve heard those stories.

NS: Yeah.

TT: So we went out and gave this fellow a contract. And, by
God, with a shot of estrogen — the control group is made of rats, mind you –

NS: Yeah, I’m assuming.

TT: The IRB on rats is a little bit easier. [laughs] First we bled all of them 60 percent. The rats that didn’t have the estrogen all died within three hours. Of those that were given a shot of estrogen â??
which, by the way, is very safe â?? right after 60 percent blood loss, 75
percent of them were living after six hours. Now that is not as good as the next technique. One fellow had another idea. When you have severe blood loss, your cells pass electrons. And when you have full blood, this electron passage is somewhat tampered. The doctors will call these the ions. You will take vitamins to try to get rid of –

NS: Yeah, free radicals.

TT: Yeah, get rid of these free radicals. Well, these electrons cause these free radicals. But when you get 60 percent blood loss, these electron passages still go up. And, he said, you know, it’s probably the electrons that are causing the people to die because they are really destroying tissue, and there’s nothing there to stop them, because you’ve got only 40 percent of the blood you had. He found that if you gave a small amount of hydrogen sulfide — this is a poison –??

NS: Oh, right, this is [Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center biochemist] Mark Roth, right?

TT: Yeah. If you give a small amount of hydrogen sulfide, it inhibits the electron generation. So his rats, OK, you bleed them 60
percent. The control group all dead within three hours. The group that you just give a little bit of hydrogen sulfide to, after 10 hours, 90
percent of them are still living. And, by the way, in both of these cases, to resuscitate them you just give them water. I mean you don’t have to even give them blood. You just give them water.

NS: It’s amazing. And also they’re not hibernating — I mean these aren’t hibernators.

TT: They’re not, no.

NS: It is really amazing.

TT: Yes, it is amazing. That’s a typical Darpa type of thing.


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