Friday, August 14, 2009

Teacher's Unions

This book review is about as clear and concise as it gets on this issue:
The double monopoly system inflicted upon all Americans is particularly unfortunate for the primary clientele of the Democratic party (the poor). Yet, ironically, that is the very party defending the status quo with religious fervor. The middle classes also find themselves largely at the mercy of this tyranny--but, predominantly middle class public schools perform much better than those the poor typically find themselves shipped off to. The result is a trap of mediocrity for the middle and a trap of idiocracy for the poor.

End the monopolies that make our education system a trap for the majority of children. This is not difficult in concept or in execution. It simply requires the will to facilitate upward mobility by encouraging and supporting merit. In other words, outlaw teacher's unions and permit families to choose their preferred schools (whether they be public, private, parochial, home, or otherwise). A voucher valued at a level comparable to public school spending ought to be offered for those not attending public school. Also, it would be needful to impose reasonable regulations on all schools to safeguard the children and taxpayer's money.

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