Thinking about the role of the federal housing agencies in this financial collapse led me to wonder: have the republicans ever managed to extinguish a socialist or entitlement policy in the party's history? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have always been harbingers of socialism. The republicans may be less complicit in their creation than the democrats, but why haven't they been killed? Why didn't the republicans do anything to restrain unions during their reign of corruption (2000-2006), when they controlled all 3 branches of the federal government. Oh, I forgot, that's because they were busy inventing a new entitlement. The republican party has not only failed to halt the encroachments of socialism, it has actively abetted this destructive trend. Reaganite populism may have revived the republican party, but this populist tendency has grown decadent and lost touch with its principles. What we now have in this country are two socialist parties: the socialist proclivities of the first range from rabid to merely shameless and of the second from complacent to actually conscience-troubled. Yet all submit to this levelling tendency, with its detrimental knock-on effects of contracting liberty and increasing pyschological (and not only psychological) dependence upon the government.
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