Friday, May 16, 2014

On 1984 and Brave New World

 "What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one." - Neil Postman

The witch hunters are banning books; a drugged-up, hyper-entertained Idiocracy will render them unwanted.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Nice Takedown
Of course, Obama was in the same line of work as this professional whiner. It suited him.

An especially good line: "The unexamined life is, we are told, not worth living. If, like Mr. Wideman, you are one of modern liberalism’s pampered pets with a plush affirmative-action sinecure teaching a made-up pseudo-discipline so that some university can darken up its brochures to the degree required by federal regs, the over-examined life is worth a neat 200 grand a year, plus tenure."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

On Leftist Socio-Moral Incenctives

This is rather an old notion on the Right: Leftism is driven largely by social status competition among its leaders, success being determined by achieved and sustained moral superiority. The moral nirvana toward which they strive is to out-Christian Jesus and out-communize Marx. The internal logic of Leftism drives it toward total insanity (for example, Mao's Cultural Revolution). Some Rightists have dubbed the culmination of this process the Left Singularity.

Jim has done considerable analysis of this crucial phenomenon:

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Also special:
A development like this marks a small decline in civilization itself. A running tally of such declines, which in these days come ever thicker and faster, would be instructive, I've no doubt. Those who think the utter dominance of Leftism in American discourse is a mere nuisance do not understand how culture evolves. The resentful hordes and the egalitarians, two mainly separate groups, are religious fanatics in action. Inferior people and groups are naturally resentful--what has changed is the increasing unwillingness of the naturally superior to defend their privileges--because the superior have mostly succumbed to the ideology of egalitarianism.

But, there is no equality either between individuals or between groups. Even the ancient philosophers knew that the only way to approach human equality is to level down. Considering just how far down certain groups are, that way lies civilizational collapse. Black Africa has never manifested the capacity for civilization; neither has Black America nor the Black Caribbean. Native Americans (including Mestizos) have demonstrated very little capacity for civilization. Neither race knows what achievements of civilizational consequence are. Neither race has ever produced a significant philosopher, theologian, prophet, composer, painter, architect, novelist, poet, playwright, inventor, scientist, engineer, mathematician, general, king, president, explorer. Not even one. Consider that the wheel had to be brought to them--neither of these peoples invented it themselves, no one in all the vastness of the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa could conceive it, though Asia and Europe had had it for at least 5,000 years. Both the climate and the presence of civilization alter human evolutionary paths--and in both respects aboriginal Americans and Blacks are disadvantaged. Their lack of any meaningful achievements as peoples is unsurprising: consider how far they lag Europeans and East Asians in evolutionary adaptation to the requirements and the opportunities of civilization. I do not believe America can survive intact the psychological and ethnic shift currently underway toward Mestizos and Blacks. Technology and democracy-limiting political structures (such as we have already in abundance) might well suffice to contain effects of the ethnic decline. But, the psychological side of the game, political correctness (egalitarianism interpreted resentfully), assures ruin.