Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to End-Run the Ripoff Machine

In time, this may produce the tragic consequence of fewer communists--I mean professors--lounging away on tenure and spouting PC garbage. A few of their fellow fifth column buddies in the sprawling higher-ed bureaucracy might also find the end of the road. It may even come to pass in a generation or two that the only remaining campuses in America will be those focused on science and engineering, which require physical labs, or the truly elite schools, which can afford the outrageous expense.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Rhetoric or Realism?

Herewith a chart of black-white IQ differences by standard deviation and year. The over 18 line is more reliable, ranging from .95 to 1.2. The avg difference looks to be about 1.1 (ie, 83 IQ for blacks). Note the green line is lower--blacks fall further behind as they get older. Also, the data reveals not a single case of black adults scoring higher than 88 IQ.
The lack of improvement despite extreme left-wing efforts ought to be discouraging--but that's the saving grace of idealism: reality may be set at nought so that the rainbow dream may shine on. Africans need some Chinese medicine (cough, eugenics, cough cough).

Die Uber-Chinese

Leftism is the flight from reality.
Reality may take many forms.
China has undertaken to provide us with our mandatory reality dose in this century.
Imagine if Nazi Germany had been run by Heydrich (relatively sane and smart) instead of Hitler (who squandered his potential) and its natural ethnic territory had been the size of America. This approximates the threat China will pose within a generation.
Leftism only knows one direction and ever intensified leftism either collapses in on itself--or those powers still in possession of their will to power crush its hollowed-out carcass and institute a new dispensation.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Murder as It is Caused

If the "real cause" of murders is fatherlessness, why do blacks commit 8-10 times as many murders per capita as whites? After all, the black rate of fatherless boys is only twice the white rate. I think one of the largest causes is indeed fatherlessness, if one includes all the factors associated with that condition, including the high rate of criminality and unemployment among absconded fathers. However, it's notable that IQ is low and violence is high wherever one finds (free) blacks. Of course, blacks in mostly gunless Europe do less damage, but their violent propensities are well attested. Under Jim Crow, the problem was much reduced by economically-induced sustenance of black family integrity and by a degree of intimidation that was mainly salutary to all concerned.

Reminds me of a recent Steve Sailer note (check out the map, it covers the whole country):

Next door neighbors: Oak Park and Austin

The Austin neighborhood on the far west side of Chicago and Oak Park, IL are contiguous neighbors. The border is the yellow stripe in the middle of Austin Boulevard.

According to this NYT map ( of homicides in Chicago neighborhoods over the last 12 years:
Austin: More than 450 homicides have happened in this neighborhood in Chicago’s West Side, one of the city’s deadliest places

In contrast, over the last dozen years in Oak Park, which has about half as many people as Austin, there have been six murders.

It must be the lack of gun control laws in Chicago.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

America's Economic Inflection Point?

The most informative are the graphs for:
declining real median incomes
healthcare costs driving deficits
social security benefits growing faster than incomes
Note that last one: social security benefits have tracked inflation since 2000, but median incomes have declined 9%. Is it possible that the year 2000 was the American equivalent of the year 1970 in Soviet history--the time when stagnation and decline set in? We still have a trickle of productivity growth, but it all goes to the rich, the welfare class (including the largest welfare class, old people), and the health care sector. The remainder of the economy languishes. And the politicos and propagandists continue to spout their politically correct lies (also reminiscent of the old Muscovite empire's Orwellian inversions and concealments).