Monday, July 19, 2010

Politicized Admissions

It's interesting to see them quantify the leftist prejudice against certain elements of society--apparently being in 4-H or high school ROTC programs is a black mark against applicants to elite schools. What these schools want to enroll is eager conformists and ass-kissers (as well as the lucrative legacy students, that is, the rich whites who stupidly finance this whole charade). I remember reading elsewhere that at a typical Ivy League school fully half of admissions are justified by affirmative action, legacies, or athletic scholarships--only half made it on merit. That's quite a heavy burden of corruption and quality dilution for any school to bear.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

America First Immigration Plan

We need an immigration system whose first goal is to benefit America. Until Islamic culture manages to join the civilized world, the presumption must be strongly against any Muslim applicants for entry. Until Mexicans prove that they are capable of something more than labor and high fecundity, they should face the same negative assumptions. What America should seek from its immigrants is simple: people capable of contributing and willing to assimilate. Too few Muslims and Mexicans (among many other inadequate groups we've let in, like Haitians and Jamaicans) have demonstrated either characteristic.

Thoughts on WWII Posters

These posters would no longer work in America. America was then a unified nation. It not only professed, but even ensured equality of opportunity for all except the blacks (whose subjection to Jim Crow would not long have lasted under any version of likely historical development). And the blacks were net contributors, instead of a net burden. Also, there was very little difference in religious and therefore moral assumptions. We have sacrificed strength and unity for "multiculturalism" and "political correctness."
The greatest lasting defeat we suffered in the sixties was political defeat at home: pervasive socialism that corrupted the character of the lower classes, affirmative action, racial and sexual quotas, radical feminism, uncontrolled immigration that benefits other countries but not America, undisciplined and unaccountable government spending, the massive unionization of all government workers, the regulation and legalization of every aspect of life. The sixties germinated or accelerated all of these misfortunes--and they are like incurable diseases.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Balkanising the Levant

Israel is less and less sustainable, beset by internal and external enemies. I do not think this proposal will work. If it's lucky, Israel will predictably implode in a few decades. The other option is being overrun.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Possible Improvement

Of course, though not mentioned here, I think it's a fair bet that dumber women who have children have more of them--so the dysgenic influence remains largely in force.